Victorian public sector nurses and midwives have warned they will close hundreds of beds and cancel elective surgeries if the Allan Government fails to resolve their pay dispute within the next 14 days.

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation nurses voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking industrial action to pressure the government to agree to better pay, allowances and working conditions in a meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

Nurses and midwives gather to reject the government’s pay offer.

Nurses and midwives gather to reject the government’s pay offer.Credit: Aisha Dow

About 700 nurses and midwives dressed in red gathered at the Moonee Valley Racecourse, rejecting the government’s offer of a three per cent annual increase in wages, and an extra $1500 annual payment.

“We have your back Victoria. Time to have ours,” read one of the banners.

From next week, members will refuse to work overtime and begin administrative paperwork bans.

They have vowed to dramatically ramp up action if the dispute is not resolved by May 17, by closing one in four hospital beds, and cancelling one in four elective surgeries.

It comes as tens of thousands of Victorians still languish on the elective surgery waiting list and others struggle to access essential health services.

Lisa Fitzpatrick, the Victorian secretary of the union, said the Victorian community would be concerned but said she didn’t think they would blame nurses and midwives.

“I’m hoping [the public] will direct that concern at the state government and the public hospital lawyers, which is where it belongs.“

The nurses’ union is warning deteriorating conditions for permanent nurses and midwives is leading many to reduce their hours or take up casual shifts, putting stress on frontline health services.

The union provided data showing that health services are spending more on overtime and agency nurses, including $291 million in 2023.

Fitzpatrick said by reversing this trend and rebuilding the permanent workforce they could fix the health system.

The union is seeking 15 new or improved allowances to help fill unpopular shifts and make permanent work more attractive.

They want funding for transport to and from home for nurses and midwives who work overtime.

They are also calling for a “right to disconnect” that would stop management continually texting and calling staff on their days off asking them to fill shifts.

In 2011, hundreds of beds and elective surgeries were closed and cancelled by Victoria nurses in a bitter dispute with the then Baillieu government, which planned to water down nurse-patient ratios and replace some nurses with low-skilled “health assistants”

In November 2011, Fair Work Australia ordered a stop to industrial action on the basis it was putting patients’ health and safety at risk.

If elective surgery cancellations and bed closures were to come into effect as part of the latest action, there would be a list of exceptions, including neonatal, paediatric, maternity and oncology wards.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is speaking in Brisbane this afternoon to promote the government’s $1 billion budget announcement towards an Australian project to build the first useful quantum computer.

Speaking alongside Queensland Premier Steven Miles and Industry Minister Ed Husic, Albanese said this investment was a quantum leap into the next generation of technology.

Federal and Queensland taxpayers will sink $1 billion into bringing a quantum computing company to Brisbane.

Federal and Queensland taxpayers will sink $1 billion into bringing a quantum computing company to Brisbane.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

“This technology will define the generations of our kids and grandkids. Just like the smartphone or the iPhone did compared with the landline, that is the jump in technology that we are talking about here,” Albanese said.

“A jumping technology that puts Australia and Queensland in particular at the forefront of economic growth, at the forefront of innovation, at the forefront of ensuring that we’re creating good high wage jobs right here in Queensland.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says tomorrow morning’s national cabinet meeting on domestic violence will be about discussing the best way to approach the problem through a range of measures.

Albanese said he is eager to hear from all the chief ministers and premiers on their range of measures and how domestic violence can be addressed federally.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the rally in Canberra on Sunday to call for action to end violence against women.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the rally in Canberra on Sunday to call for action to end violence against women.Credit: AAP

“One of the things we know from speaking with state premiers is that they want to have the discussion at National Cabinet on ways in which best practice can be replicated,” Albanese said.

“For example, Victoria has already had a royal commission and part of the agenda tomorrow will be the premier of Victoria, Jacinta Allan, reporting on those issues.

“So we need to acknowledge that this is an issue which is long term, does require attitudinal change, does require a whole range of measures, but we also need practical … measures and I look forward to a constructive discussion tomorrow morning.”

Asked if he has apologised to rally organiser Sarah Williams who claimed Albanese was a liar when he got up to speak, the prime minister did not weigh in.

“With regard to Sarah, I wish her well, I wish her well. People can see the video for themselves, they can see what people said and what people didn’t say,” he said.

The business case that informed Victoria’s decision to host the doomed Commonwealth Games did not align with guidelines set by the state Department of Treasury and Finance for mega projects, a parliamentary committee has found.

Then-premier Daniel Andrews and Jacinta Allan, who was the minister responsible for delivering the Games and has since become premier, in July abandoned the regional 2026 Games when they said the cost had ballooned from the original budget of $2.6 billion to almost $7 billion.

Then-premier Daniel Andrews and his then deputy, Jacinta Allan, announce the cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games on July 18.

Then-premier Daniel Andrews and his then deputy, Jacinta Allan, announce the cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games on July 18.Credit: Joe Armao

A parliamentary committee, led by Libertarian MP David Limbrick with cross-party members, today handed down its report into the saga.

The inquiry found the business case used to make the decision to host “did not align with the Department of Treasury and Finance’s ‘investment lifecycle and high value, high risk’ guidelines”.

All projects valued at more than $250 million are supposed to be held to different guidelines regarding scope, alternative project options, operating budget methodology, capital budget methodology, cost escalation assumptions, cost estimate range, a sensitivity analysis, poor project planning risks and risk estimates.

The inquiry echoed the findings of an earlier Victorian Auditor-General’s Office investigation.

Among its 23 findings, the committee said the timeframe to negotiate the host contract was too short, the timeframe for consultants Ernst & Young to complete a business case was too rushed, that confidentiality requirements hampered consultations and that costs were underestimated.

The committee said it had exhausted avenues to obtain documents from the government, which has made a claim of executive privilege, and suggested the upper house could order that the briefings be tabled to parliament.

The Auditor-General, in its report released in March, put the cost of withdrawing from the Games at more than $589 million. That report found the original Games budget was unrealistically low but the $6.9 billion cost estimate released last year was overstated.

The Senate has also separately inquired into the Victorian government’s bombshell decision.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has politicised the issue of domestic violence, says Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles.

Earlier today, Dutton said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese should apologise to rally organiser Sarah Williams if he lied, after the 23-year-old activist accused Albanese of lying when he said he asked to speak at the Sunday domestic violence rally.

Marles accused Dutton of politicising the issue and said Albanese has shown support for the issue of domestic violence by marching.

“I just think this is breathtaking that Peter Dutton has gone here on this question, let’s just take a step back again … we saw a tragic incident occur within the last couple of weeks which has seen a spontaneous movement where thousands of Australians have marched in support of security for women,” Marles told Sky.

“One of those who marched in support of that cause was Anthony Albanese, someone who did not march in support of that cause was Peter Dutton.

“This is actually not about Anthony Albanese and this is not about Peter Dutton, it’s about the security of women in this country. This is not a matter which should be politicised and yet that’s exactly where Peter Dutton went as quickly as he could because he seeks to politicise everything.”

Good afternoon and thank you for following our live coverage. My name is Jewel Topsfield and I will be taking you through the afternoon.

Here is a recap of today’s headlines:

  • Budget carrier Bonza has suspended flights as the outlook for the country’s smallest airline grows more uncertain.

  • New data from the Australian Institute of Criminology shows there was a 28 per cent increase in the number of women killed by an intimate partner in 2022-23 – from 26 to 34 women.

  • In another case of alleged domestic violence, a man has been charged with murder after a woman, believed to be his mother, was found dead inside her home in Yangebup, south of Perth.

  • Eleven crossbench MPs have called for the prime minister to target violent online porn, misogynistic social media influencers and problem gambling in response to the epidemic of violence against women.

  • Optus failed on multiple levels during an outage last November that left some customers unable to call triple zero, a review has found.

  • The Reserve Bank has reported a large fall in retail spending, with sales dropping by 0.4 per cent last month.

Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has defended his beleaguered colleagues, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles, saying they are doing an excellent job with managing detainees after a Perth couple were allegedly attacked by a former detainee.

Speaking on Sky News, Marles said the government put in the toughest and strictest supervision measures that are being led by Giles and O’Neil.

Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has defended his fellow Labor ministers.

Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has defended his fellow Labor ministers.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

“Those ministers are doing an excellent job, obviously this incident is deeply concerning, our thoughts are very much with those who are concerned,” he said.

“The cohort that were the subjects of the High Court case last year are now under strict supervision orders. Obviously, we exist within a federal system, issues like bail are done at the state level, but we are doing everything within the government’s power to ensure the safety of Australians and the ministers are doing an excellent job.”

Lower-house crossbench MPs have called for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to target violent online porn, misogynistic social media influencers and problem gambling in his next steps responding to an epidemic of violence against women.

“These harmful, unregulated industries are contributing to violence against women, and they must be held accountable,” they wrote in a letter to Albanese last night, published at midday today.

The letter was signed by MPs Zoe Daniel, Kylea Tink, Zali Steggall, Allegra Spender, Kate Chaney, Monique Ryan, Sophie Scamps, Helen Haines, Andrew Wilkie, Andrew Gee and Rebekha Sharkie.

It backs the view of criminologist Michael Salter, who has said policymakers must take a wider view of prevention that includes how alcohol, gambling and online pornography can accelerate incidents of violence.

The crossbenchers also called for an immediate sentencing review, which would create more accountability for perpetrators in the justice system, and government-funded independent legal representation for women.

“The current impact of financial pressure on families must also be assessed. We also need sustainable, consistent, and certain investment in front-line services, including affordable housing for women escaping violent relationships,” they wrote.

Their intervention comes before a national cabinet meeting tomorrow in which Albanese and state and territory leaders will discuss how they can escalate their response to the domestic violence crisis in Australia, as community outrage builds over the rising number of women killed this year.

“Long-term cultural change must be our goal,” the MPs wrote. “To create a safe, fair, and equal society we need to properly fund consent and respectful relationships education and provoke men and boys to be more than bystanders.”

They said calls for a national royal commission were well-intentioned, but it was unlikely to uncover recommendations that had not been heard before.

“Experts in the sector already know where resources are urgently needed,” they wrote.

“Rather than spend a year and several hundred million dollars on a royal commission, while women are killed every week, we need to spend that money on accelerated action.

“We cannot let this be yet another moment of marching in the streets that does not deliver change.”

The Reserve Bank has been delivered some hard evidence that the economy is barely keeping its head above water, with a surprisingly large fall in retail sales in March.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported this morning that retail sales dropped by 0.4 per cent last month. Economists were expecting a 0.2 per cent increase. At the annual rate, retail sales improved by 0.8 per cent, the worst performance since 2021, when the country was still affected by COVID-related lockdowns.

The Reserve Bank reported a fall in retail spending.

The Reserve Bank reported a fall in retail spending.Credit: Peter Braig

Sales had lifted in February, due in part to Taylor Swift’s Eras tour, but that quickly unwound in a sign of the economy’s struggles.

Food sales increased by 0.9 per cent in the month but it was the only sector in the black.

Household goods sales dropped by 1.4 per cent and are now back to the lowest level since October 2021.

Purchases of clothing, footwear and personal accessories tumbled by 4.3 per cent and returned to where they were in late 2022. Meanwhile, sales through cafes and restaurants eased by 0.2 per cent, with little change in turnover over the past nine months.

Oxford Economics Australia’s head of macroeconomics forecasting, Sean Langcake, said overall retail spending remained very weak.

“Considering the brisk pace of population growth, this is a very soft trend. We expect the broader outlook for consumer spending will improve this year as real wages continue to pick up. But for now, strong price inflation for essentials like health and education and higher rent and mortgage costs are still putting the squeeze on household budgets and discretionary spending,” he said.

Inflation data last week prompted warnings from some economists that the Reserve Bank, which meets next week, will have to consider higher interest rates to stifle demand across the economy.

But Langcake said the retail figures showed consumer demand was “very restrained” at present.

New data from the Australian Institute of Criminology shows there was a 28 per cent increase in the number of women killed by an intimate partner in 2022-23 – from 26 to 34 women.

In the same period, four men were killed by their partners.

The figure for women’s deaths represents a rise on the previous two years of data. However, it is still one of the lowest rates in 30 years as intimate partner homicide has been on a general decline.

A joint statement from Women’s Minister Katy Gallagher, Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said it was important the government had accurate and real-time data to understand the scale of the issue.

A new dashboard on intimate partner homicide, with more timely data, will operate by the middle of this year. The joint statement said the Albanese government was committed to acting to reduce the statistics, pointing to the government’s national plan to end violence against women, which comes with a $2.3 billion investment. “But we know we must continue to do more,” they said.

They pointed to a national cabinet meeting that will be held tomorrow at which the prime minister will join state and territory leaders to co-ordinate their efforts on the issue.

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