How to do your homework faster and get motivated: 5 golden rules for schoolchildren and their parents
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Doing your homework is a necessary process for every student. Few people enjoy such an activity. All children like to play computer games after school instead of doing their homework. What can you do to make a child love doing homework? How can you help your child write essays, solve math problems, and study history? Let’s try to get to the bottom of this difficult question.

Many parents help their children with homework. Sometimes this process becomes as difficult for the parent as it is for the child. You need to connect additional resources if you can’t help your child with their homework. Tasks that cause difficulty and produce poor results time after time are not a reason to scold. It is just a signal to think about it. Perhaps the student has a reading and writing disability, which is why every essay is cognitive hell for your child. Or maybe the student simply lacks knowledge and needs an additional resource to fill in the gaps. You can delegate the difficult assignments to edit my paper service to relieve your child of unnecessary stress about studying. Every child is an individual. There is nothing wrong if your child has problems with one of the subjects. The student likely has another favorite subject in which your child is one of the best. You have to help your child develop in what he is interested in.

Five rules for doing your homework

First rule: Nothing unnecessary

Space, like the environment, affects our productivity. Think back to your workspace. What will happen to your work processes if you clutter your desk with various small things and a TV, a console, or computer game discs running in the background? The answer is likely to be disappointing. So it is with the workspace of a schoolchild. The table should contain only what you need to study here and now, without “noises” – favorite toys, photos, phones, and open social networks on the laptop. Eliminate temptations.

Second rule: A clear plan

The child should know in detail about the scope, timing, and order of tasks. Planning increases efficiency. Implementation of the rule is simple: make together with your child a clear and vivid schedule that will always be in front of your eyes. This will help to better concentrate on tasks because it is clear to see where the beginning and the end are, what needs to be done today and what can be left for tomorrow.

Third rule: Estimate the amount of work

Teach your child to estimate the amount of homework and calculate their strength. Look at the temperament of the child, and try to do their homework from simple to complex or from complex to simple – as it will be convenient to the child. Break up difficult tasks into parts, and praise your child for progress and independence.

It often happens when a student puts off an unloved assignment until later. But then they don’t have time to do it. For this, it is possible to get a bad grade. But you can always avoid this. The best essay writing service can help you cope with an unloved assignment.

Fourth Rule: Rest

This is an important rule that parents often forget, and children don’t know about. Take a break every 40 minutes and do eye exercises every 10-15 minutes. In breaks, the main rule is a short change of activity, but without gadgets: a game, a book, a conversation. The break should not exceed 15 minutes. To avoid the missing time, use a timer. This practice is borrowed from time management, it helps to focus on the process, and avoid putting off important things for later. This method is described in more detail in Oakley’s Think Like a Mathematician.

Fifth Rule: I Will Help

Accustoming your child to independence doesn’t mean leaving him or her alone and scolding him or her if things aren’t going well. It is important to observe the golden mean: not to do tasks for the child, but also not to leave him/her alone with problems. Explain the essence of the task (especially important for elementary school students), what to do and in what sequence. Give the child time and space to do it, and then check it. If something has gone wrong – together with your child, look for a knowledge gap, and a mistake and correct it.

What else is worth considering?

Success does not always depend on how calm the parent is, and how talented the child is. Everyone has his or her characteristics: temperament, differences in circadian rhythm (larks and owls), and emotional load. Base your child’s feelings and his or her rhythm of life before you put him or her to work on homework right after school. For example, a choleric mother may be all the time pushing a phlegmatic child, because it seems to her that everything is easy and fast. But phlegmatic and requires a little more time to work at his usual pace. These differences must be taken into account.

For each homework school teacher gives marks. Not all children can easily cope with it. So keep an eye on your child’s mood. Praise when the baby is depressed, support if upset, and always check how he is doing – these are important responsibilities of parents of schoolchildren.

Nowadays, education is important for all of us. But remember, it is necessary to maintain a balance of life for both children and parents. Parents should spend time with their children not just when they need help with their lessons. Try to take more walks in the parks with your children, go to water parks, or just spend time together. If you have difficulties, don’t hesitate to ask for help from the paper writing service reddit to improve the results.

Remember that grades are not the most important thing in the world. Keep your composure, and take care of your relationship with your children!

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