A nice cup of tea is known to work miracles after a busy day, but new research suggests the drink may have saved lives in the 1700s.

Experts found the rise in popularity of tea was linked to a fall in deaths across England during the Industrial Revolution, when sanitation was poor.

They believe this is because boiling water to make a cuppa killed bacteria and parasites that caused fatal illnesses like dysentery.

Professor Francisca Antman, of the University of Colorado Boulder, said: ‘The nice thing about this setting is that it occurred before we knew the importance of clean water.

‘The evidence suggests that tea became affordable to nearly everyone in England in the late 1780s, during the Industrial Revolution.

Tea is beloved in Britain, where more than 100 million cups are consumed each day

Tea is beloved in Britain, where more than 100 million cups are consumed each day

Tea is beloved in Britain, where more than 100 million cups are consumed each day 

Samuel Johnson was one of the earliest proponents of the English cuppa, calling himself 'a hardened and shameless tea-drinker'

Samuel Johnson was one of the earliest proponents of the English cuppa, calling himself 'a hardened and shameless tea-drinker'

Samuel Johnson was one of the earliest proponents of the English cuppa, calling himself ‘a hardened and shameless tea-drinker’

‘Population density was rising, cities were really growing, people were being packed tighter and tighter. That should actually be a period where we see a lot of increasing mortality. But we end up seeing this surprising decline in mortality that can be explained by the introduction of tea and, more specifically, the boiling of water.’

Renowned English writer Samuel Johnson was one of the earliest advocates of drinking tea.

Economics professor Francisca Antman studied data from more than 400 English parishes, looking at death rates before and after tea became popular

Economics professor Francisca Antman studied data from more than 400 English parishes, looking at death rates before and after tea became popular

Economics professor Francisca Antman studied data from more than 400 English parishes, looking at death rates before and after tea became popular

In 1757 he described himself as ‘a hardened and shameless tea-drinker…whose kettle has scarcely time to cool; who with tea amuses the evening, with tea solaces the midnight, and, with tea, welcomes the morning.’

Dysentery, a severe a gastrointestinal disease, caused many deaths in the 1700s, when it was known as ‘bloody flux’. In some parts of Europe, 90 per cent of all deaths were due to dysentery during the worst outbreaks. 

Professor Antman looked at data from more than 400 parishes around England, looking at death rates before and after tea became popular and affordable.

The analysis compared areas based on water quality, which had to be inferred based on geographical features, such as the number of running water sources or elevation.

She said: ‘In areas where you expect water quality should have been inherently worse, you see a bigger decline in mortality when tea comes in.

‘It’s not like the water itself is pure or up to the standards of drinking water that we have today. But what you see is those areas that should have benefited more do benefit more as they begin to boil water for tea consumption.’

The researcher added that the vast quantity of historical data available in Britain enabled her study.

‘Very few places in the world have data like this,’ she said. ‘It wouldn’t have been possible without the monumental efforts of demographers and historians who went through the parish records in England and basically constructed these data series that I then was able to analyse.’

In many developing nations, access to clean water is still a struggle.

Professor Antman said England’s tea obsession is example of how a simple behavioural change – boiling water before drinking it – can have profoundly positive effects.

‘People changed their behaviour, not because of any outside influence or suggestions about healthy habits or clean water, but simply because they wanted to drink tea,’ she said.

‘It is a great example of how a population adopted a healthy behaviour without someone trying to change culture or customs from the outside, but because they wanted to adopt the practice from within.

‘It’s something we can look at and possibly try to emulate when considering future interventions aimed at improving health more generally, including with respect to water.’

Source: Mail Online

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