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Baltimore’s former top prosecutor, who was one of the biggest voices advocating for police accountability and transparency, is asking the White House for a pardon ahead of her sentencing for her perjury and mortgage fraud convictions.

The bid from Marilyn Mosby is being backed by the Congressional Black Caucus, which wrote President Biden a letter to advocate for her cause. Mosby has asked to be sentenced to probation, though prosecutors are seeking 20 months in federal prison. 

“As a nation that leads by example, our justice system must not be weaponized to prevent progress toward a more perfect union,” wrote U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., who chairs the caucus.


Marilyn Mosby

Defense lawyer A. Scott Bolden, right, proclaims his client Marilyn Mosby, middle, is innocent after leaving federal court with her and her husband, Nick Mosby, on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2022, in Baltimore.  (Kenneth K. Lam/Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Mosby, 44, who served two terms as state’s attorney for Baltimore, was convicted in February of one count of mortgage fraud after she testified that she unintentionally made false statements on loan applications to buy two Florida vacation homes. 

In November, she was convicted of two counts of perjury by a federal jury after she falsely claimed financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic so she could withdraw money from the city’s retirement fund. 

Mosby lost her bid for re-election in 2022 after being indicted. During her trial, she said she didn’t intentionally lie on the mortgage applications but that it was her failure to disclose the debt on her applications that contributed to the mortgage fraud charges.

Marilyn Mosby

Marilyn Mosby, pictured last year, is facing two counts each of perjury and mortgage fraud. (Jerry Jackson/Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service via Getty Images) (Jerry Jackson/Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

“While pardon applications generally express remorse and regret, what happens when justice was not served and in fact, denied? No such remorse and regret is appropriate in this case,” Mosby’s pardon application states, The Baltimore Sun reported. 

Mosby is requesting probation but prosecutors are seeking a sentence of 20 months. The maximum penalty is 40 years.

On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined to comment on the matter, citing the pardon application process. 

Maryland State Attorney Marilyn Mosby speaks during a news conference announcing the indictment of correctional officers, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, in Baltimore. Twenty five correction officers, most of whom were taken into custody earlier in the day, are charged with using excessive force on detainees at state-operated Baltimore pretrial correctional facilities. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Maryland State Attorney Marilyn Mosby speaks during a news conference announcing the indictment of correctional officers, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, in Baltimore. Twenty five correction officers, most of whom were taken into custody earlier in the day, are charged with using excessive force on detainees at state-operated Baltimore pretrial correctional facilities. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)


“I have not had an opportunity to speak to the president about this so I can’t say the president’s thoughts on this,” she said. “This is a Department of Justice process. As you know, we’re really, really careful from here, from this podium. We respect that process here.”

Fox News Digital has reached out to the CBC and White House. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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