A Yorkshire mum is fighting every day to provide for her young family after her ‘childhood sweetheart’ sadly died of cancer aged just 30.

Matthew and Kirsty Craig had been together for 15 years and have two children together, Amelia,11, and Isla, six, when he was diagnosed with cancer. Kirsty became her husband’s carer and the pair battled every day through his illness, until he sadly died last year.

But, this wasn’t the end of the family’s struggles as they have been forced to live off just £861 per month following his death, with bills often going unpaid and food not being put on the table. Now, Kirsty, 32, from the East Riding of Yorkshire, has been faced with even more worries as she fears she could be keeping another person’s ashes at home, instead of Matthew’s, following the Legacy Funeral Directors scandal that has shocked Yorkshire.

Read more: Young Yorkshire mum held 15-day-old baby as he died in her arms due to rare condition

Matthew has been cremated with the funeral directors and Kirsty fears she might not have his ashes. She said: “I’m not even sure if I have Matthew’s ashes or someone else’s.”

Kirsty, who is on Universal Credit, said: “He was the father to both of my children and we had been together for 15 years. He was my childhood sweetheart, he was my everything, we conquered the world together and had worked all our lives. But, unfortunately due to Matthew having cancer I had to become his full time carer.

“I had to learn to dress Matthew’s wounds three times a day after his operation to try and remove the cancer. Matthew became very dependant on me and would not have anyone else care for him – so I became his full time carer as well as raising our two children and looking after the house.

Matthew tragically died in September 2023 after battling cancer for 3 years 
Matthew tragically died in September 2023 after battling cancer for 3 years 
(Image: Kirsty Craig)

“Matthew took his last breathe in my arms after we had battled alone for three years. I’m still battling alone now as there is no support in place for me and my girls. We are not only battling the grief but also the mental trauma the last three years of our lives – watching Matthew suffer each hour of each day – has had on us.

“We watched him battle day in day out. He battled Sepsis, pneumonia, lymphedema, water retentions, infection on infection and he still stood and took on each day for as-long as he possibly could. He even ended up with maggots in his wounds when he went into a hospice. He took his very last breathe in my arms.

“I’m now battling daily and alone fighting for support for my girls and struggling from every direction.”

The family battled through his illness and now their battles continue following his tragic passing
The family battled through his illness and now their battles continue following his tragic passing
(Image: Kirsty Craig)

“After losing Matthew as you can imagine our whole life has fallen apart and we are struggling in every way possible, including financially which is making life very difficult.”

The family are currently being forced to live off just a mere £861 per month to pay for bills, food and necessities. Kirsty has set up a GoFundMe page to ask for donations to help her support her two girls. She added: “I’m kindly asking for help in supporting me and the girls so we can find our new path in life without Matthew and pick ourselves up through all this hurt, anger and sadness.

“I’m finding myself slowly crumbling as I’ve been the one holding everything together for nearly four years now and it’s just not getting any better, bills are going unpaid, I’m not eating most days as I’m just unable to stretch the income we do get for food.

Kirsty, Matthew and their two daughters, Amelia,11, and Isla, 6
Kirsty, Matthew and their two daughters, Amelia,11, and Isla, 6
(Image: Kirsty Craig)

“I had to get a budgeting loan so my girls had something to open on Christmas morning, I wanted to make it as good as possible for them as it was already going to be the worst one ever without Matthew for the first time.”

To add to Kirsty’s stress and trauma Matthew had been cremated with Legacy Funeral Directors, who are currently under investigation by Humberside Police following the discovering of 35 bodies. She fears she could not have her husband’s ashes at home. She said: “I’m not even sure if I have Matthew’s ashes or someone else’s at the moment, which is very upsetting. It has added a whole load more stress.”

You can donate to Kirsty’s GoFundMe page here.

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