When former President Ronald Reagan embraced the idea of a missile defense system, he called it the Strategic Defense Initiative. While it ended up being a great success, it was initially attacked by the Democrats, who nicknamed SDI “Star Wars.”

“They mocked him, they tried to humiliate him,” Mark Levin explains.

“We didn’t have that technology 40-some years ago, and so the reprobates who only think about now, now, now, they said it couldn’t be done,” Levin continues. “During the budget processes they were constantly trying to block it, defund it, or limit it.”

On at least one occasion, Ronald Reagan became so fed up that he shut down the government in response.

“When the time came to actually test it, because you have to test these systems in a number of ways before you can actually employ them, the Democrats tried to prevent that too,” Levin explains.

One of the most outspoken opponents of SDI was none other than our fearless leader, then Sen. Joe Biden.

“Now he turns to that system in Israel and he says, ‘Aren’t we fantastic, look what we’ve done,’” Levin mocks.

“None of it would have been done if Ronald Reagan hadn’t been president. None of it would have been done if the Democrats were in control. None of it would have been done if Joe Biden had been president. There’d be no missile defense system period,” he adds.

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Source: TheBlaze

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