To the rest of the world, they are film stars, but to their first grandchild, Bruce Willis and Demi Moore are “Papa” and “Ya Ya.”

“She is so young still,” Rumer Willis, who gave birth to daughter Louetta Isley Thomas Willis last spring, ​exclusively tells Closer. “That was their idea. Everyone has their own silly name.”

The eldest of Bruce and Demi’s three daughters notes that laughter has always been a very important part of their family dynamic.

“I feel like one of my favorite things that I got from both of them is just a level of silliness and goofiness and not taking yourself seriously,” Rumer, 35, ​tells Closer on opening night of the 24th Annual Beverly Hills Film Festival. “I feel like they really cultivated that in my sisters and I. They allowed us the space to be expressive, whether it was through our clothing, what we wanted to do or just making silly faces.”

Growing up as the child of two Hollywood stars, Rumer says she felt like the world expected her “to act a certain way,” but her parents said it was OK to just be herself. “I appreciate that we’re kind of left of center as a family.”

Rumer Willis’ ‘Favorite Thing’ Inherited From Bruce and Demi
Phil Faraone / Getty Images

Last year, Bruce was diagnosed with aphasia, which was later amended to frontotemporal dementia.

“He’s doing really good,” says Rumer, adding that the outpouring of love and support her family has received has made their situation easier.

“What has been so incredible is that my dad is so beloved,” she says. “And I think that sharing our experience, strength, hope and whatever comes as a family — if that can have an effect and bring hope and comfort to someone else who’s experiencing that, then to me that’s everything.”

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