10 Things to Do When You’re Stuck at Home
Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

Stuck in a quarantine? Now’s the perfect time to create a haven!

Stuck at home? Here are 10 things you can do!

I can’t even guess how many times I’ve wondered how long it would take me to catch up on everything around my home. I’ve tried to guess how much time I’d need to finish my wish list of projects if I was stuck at home with a free calendar. Would it take one month? Three months? Six?

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Right now, I’m beginning to wonder if my question will get answered. Thanks to the infamous global pandemic of 2020, everything is shutting down in my state of Ohio. Schools, churches, and all extracurricular activities are cancelled. Restaurants and leisure activities are closed. Aside from shopping for essentials, I literally have no reason to leave my home.

And now that Americans are asked to practice social distancing, it’s obvious that a lot more time will be spent at home.

The upside of being stuck at home

Every once and a while, a natural catastrophe happens and you’re forced to stay at home. Right now, being quarantined is keeping millions from normal, everyday routines. But the cause doesn’t have to be a global pandemic – you might be stuck at home during a snowstorm, recovering from surgery, or reeling from unforeseeable problems.

While it can be tempting to panic, complain, and wish you could get out of your house and on with the rest of your life, being stuck at home can be beneficial. In fact, instead of feeling trapped, you can look for something to do to make the most of your free time.

In case you can’t think of many ideas of how to pass your time in the seclusion of your home, here are 10 different things to do to help pass your time:

10 Things to Do When You’re Stuck at Home

  1. Read.

Have a huge list of books you’d like to read? Now’s the perfect opportunity! While you may not want to spend every moment of your day with your nose buried in a book, this is an ideal time to get caught up with some of your reading. You can get swept away in fiction, be challenged through non-fiction, or finally get a chance to dig into your Bible.

  1. Sleep.

Like reading, this could be the perfect time to get more rest. You might have time to take an afternoon nap. Or, you might not have to wake up at the crack of dawn unless you want to be an early bird.

  1. Exercise.

Just because you’re stuck at home, you don’t have to become a couch potato. Make sure you get moving every day, and if you’re not quarantined, try to get outside! You might find plenty of time to take a daily walk.

  1. Declutter.

Ever feel like you have too much stuff? So often, it’s easy to blame our clutter on not having enough time to declutter. As long as you’re at home, be productive and go through your belongings. (Here are two simple and super effective questions to ask yourself.)

  1. Clean.

Decluttering and deep cleaning are two different things. Since you’re stuck at home anyway, you might as well get cleaning! Now could be the perfect time to scrub surfaces, disinfect germy areas, clean out your cupboards, and make your house feel fresh and clean.

  1. Remodel.

As long as you have some extra time, use it to change a room (or two or three) in your home. Add a fresh coat of paint, move your furniture around, or switch accessories from one room to another. Or, make plans for a larger remodeling project.

  1. Invest in relationships.

Just because you can’t gather with large groups of people, it doesn’t mean you should be antisocial. People need relationships! If you live with your family or friends, take time to talk with each other. Play board games, card games, and trivia games. Listen to your favorite music. Enjoy a movie marathon. Work on a puzzle together. Have a dance party. Ask yourselves plenty of “Would You Rather” questions.

  1. Organize digital clutter.

Ever feel like you have way too many photos or videos or files saved on your phone or computer? It’s easy to think you’ll never find time to tend to all you’ve saved. Now’s a great time to make a dent, though!

  1. Purge paper clutter.

If you feel like you’re overrun with paper, now’s the perfect time to start sorting and culling your paperwork. Be ruthless! And organize what you end up keeping.

  1. Learn something new.

Having extra time creates a perfect opportunity to try something you’ve always wanted to attempt. Learn how to bake. Cook a new meal. Try a new hobby. Learn a new skill. Write a book.

As you’re faced with a lot of time at home, whether unexpectedly or unexpectedly, make the most of it. Enjoy passing your time while you’re stuck at home with these 10 ideas. Even if and when you feel like you’re getting cabin fever, you’ll probably never forget this experience!

What is one thing you’d like to do if you were stuck at home?

Source: DatingC

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