A heartbroken mum has told of her agony after her ‘cheeky’ and ‘adventurous’ toddler died from leukemia just seven months after developing an unexpected symptom: snoring.

Ellie Keating, from Bridport in Dorset, noticed her son Mason struggling to breathe at night in December 2019 while battling a chesty cough and high temperature he picked up at nursery. 

In leukaemia patients, cancerous cells can ‘clump’ around the thymus, a gland in the neck, which can cause difficulty breathing. 

Cells can also accumulate in lymph nodes in the chest that push against the windpipe, causing coughing and wheezing in children. 

Ellie Keating, from Bridport in Dorset, noticed her son Mason (pictured) pick up the habit in December 2019 while battling a chesty cough and high temperature he picked up at nursery. She made four appointments with the GP between January and March 2020 after the two-year-old’s symptoms failed to subside and he developed night sweats

But, Ms Keating was told it was a viral infection and advised to give him Calpol, she claimed. Later that month, however, when he started vomiting and suddenly struggled to stand up, the 29-year-old phoned 111 who called for ambulance and he was rushed to hospital

Scans later revealed he was suffering with t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a rare aggressive form of blood cancer . Despite an intensive four-week course of chemotherapy and steroid treatment, Mason passed away in July

Ms Keating made four appointments with the GP between January and March 2020 after the two-year-old’s symptoms failed to subside and he developed night sweats, another leukaemia red flag. 

But, she was told it was a viral infection and advised to give him Calpol, she claimed. 

Later that month, however, when Mason started vomiting and suddenly struggled to stand up, the 29-year-old phoned 111 who called for ambulance and he was rushed to hospital. 

Scans later revealed he was suffering with t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a rare aggressive form of blood cancer

Despite an intensive four-week course of chemotherapy and steroid treatment, Mason passed away in July. 

Ms Keating is now urging parents not to ignore any worrying symptoms. 

She said: ‘One of the main worries for me was this cough, it was very very chesty.

‘It started to make him snore at night and he’d never snored before.

‘A cancer diagnosis hadn’t even entered my head as a possibility, I didn’t know the symptoms.

‘When they told me Mason had cancer, the noise I made didn’t even sound human.

‘I was bawling my eyes out and screaming. [Then] as I was starting to get my head around the fact he’d got cancer I was hit with “he’s going to die”. I had no chance to research alternative therapies, I had no time.

‘[On the day he died] there was no warning. We were doing handprints and footprints with the two nurses and I was showing them videos of him, then all of a sudden it was just four big breaths and he was gone.

‘The nurse just grabbed me because I was going for the floor. She grabbed me and she held me and we were all sobbing in that room.’

When Mason’s symptoms worsened it ‘didn’t sit right’ it was just a viral infection, Ms Keating said. After calling 111, who dispatched an ambulance, he was initially taken to Dorchester Hospital. But he was discharged home. Just days later, after he struggled to look at light, she returned and he was transferred to Southampton Hospital where a chest x-ray and blood tests revealed he had the rare cancer

Ms Keating, who is also mother to Blake Ollis (pictured), now three, said: ‘Other than the odd sickness bug or childhood illness, he was always fine’

Around 650 children and young adults are diagnosed with leukaemia every year in Britain, according to Blood Cancer UK. 

Leukaemia, of all types, is the most common cancer in kids under 15. 

T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia occurs when white blood cells start to grow out of control inside the bone marrow before spreading into blood vessels and vital organs.

The cancer progresses rapidly, with doctors saying patients can die within two weeks of symptoms appearing because the disease is so rapid.

As the white blood cells multiply, they can start to clog blood vessels and vital organs — which gradually stops the body from functioning.

According to Cancer Research UK, it is likely to affect young adults and is more common in men. 

Approximately 790 Brits and 6,550 Americans are diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia every year. 

Of these, around a quarter have T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

When Mason’s symptoms worsened it ‘didn’t sit right’ it was just a viral infection, Ms Keating said.   

After calling 111, who dispatched an ambulance, he was initially taken to Dorchester Hospital. But he was discharged home.

Just days later, after he struggled to look at light, she returned and he was transferred to Southampton Hospital where a chest x-ray and blood tests revealed he had the rare cancer. 

Ms Keating, who is also mother to Blake Ollis, now three, said: ‘Other than the odd sickness bug or childhood illness, he was always fine.

‘As more symptoms were coming into the mix it just didn’t sit right that it was a typical viral infection.

‘He was then vomiting and his poo looked like he’d swallowed tobacco, it was really bitty.

‘He wasn’t eating, he was a very good eater, and he wasn’t drinking which meant no wet nappies.

‘I know that’s a number one alarm when a child doesn’t have wet nappies.’

She added: ‘At Southampton Hospital I met his consultant and that’s when I was told how bad [it was] and to expect that he might not make it through the night.’

Ms Keating, who discovered she was expecting Blake the night before Mason’s funeral, is now urging parents to know what symptoms not to ignore, in light of how suddenly Mason’s health deteriorated

Mason was started on dialysis to help clear waste products from his blood and put into an induced coma to preserve his strength.  

‘When I came back in that room and saw him all hooked up to the machines and tubes in his mouth he just looked so small,’ Ms Keating said. 

‘As a mum your first instinct is to help and protect your kids. I just felt there was nothing I could do.’

After he was brought out of his coma in June, he began a four-week course of intensive chemotherapy and steroid treatment.

Tragically, however, his symptoms returned and Ms Keating was advised to consider palliative care. 

They both moved into a self-contained flat in the hospital’s children’s ward. Just a week later he passed away. 

Ms Keating said: ‘He loved life. Every day was an adventure, he was very cheeky and everyone doted on him.

‘He was so clever and as cliche as it sounds he did light up a room.

‘He was obsessed with Mr Bean. When he was in that little flat at the end that’s all he had on repeat on the TV. He ended up quoting it word for word.’

Ms Keating, who discovered she was expecting Blake the night before Mason’s funeral, is now urging parents to know what symptoms not to ignore, in light of how suddenly Mason’s health deteriorated. 

She said: ‘[By sharing Mason’s story] I hope it will raise awareness of symptoms and encourage people to get them checked out.

‘When I’ve seen things like that or read magazines and read people’s stories I’ve always thought “that won’t happen to me”. 

‘I think that’s how a lot of people think, especially with childhood cancer.’

‘Until it happens to you it won’t ever cross your mind and I think that needs to change.

She added: ‘My message to parents would be to 100 per cent stand your ground and trust your gut because early diagnosis could save lives.

‘I couldn’t save Mason, but if I can save one child’s life I’ve done my bit.’ 


Leukaemia is a cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue, usually the bone marrow.

It leads to the over-production of abnormal white blood cells, which fight off infections. 

But a higher number of white blood cells means there is ‘less room’ for other cells, including red blood cells – which transport oxygen around the body – and platelets – which cause blood to clot when the skin is cut.

There are many different types of leukaemia, which are defined according to the immune cells they affect and how the disease progresses.

For all types combined, 9,900 people in the UK were diagnosed with leukaemia in 2015, Cancer Research UK statistics reveal.

And in the US, around 60,300 people were told they had the disease last year, according to the National Cancer Institute. 

Most cases have no obvious cause, with the cancer not being contagious or inherited.

Leukaemia generally becomes more common with age – the exception being acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which peaks in children.

Other risk factors include being male, exposed to certain chemicals or radiation, and some bone-marrow disorders.

Symptoms are generally vague and get worse over time.

These can include:

  • Tiredness
  • Frequent infections
  • Sweats
  • Bruising
  • Heavy periods, nose bleeds or bleeding gums
  • Palpitations 
  • Shortness of breath

Acute leukaemia – which progresses rapidly and aggressively – is often curable via chemo, radiotherapy or a stem cell transplant.

Chronic forms of the disease – which typically progress slowly – tend to incurable, however, these patients can often live with the disease. 

Source: Leukaemia Care

Source: Mail Online

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