Officials are hunting for a mystery food item behind an outbreak of E.coli which has struck down 113 people and left at least 37 in hospital — with fears the bug could spread further during barbecue season.

Experts say the rare Shiga toxigenic (STEC) variant of the diarrhoea-causing illness is ‘particularly nasty’ and issued a warning for Brits to ensure they handle and cook food properly.

People with signs of the infection, which include diarrhoea, vomiting and fever, have been urged to stay off work and school for at least 48 hours after symptoms have stopped. 

The source of the current wave of cases hasn’t yet been discovered but there are fears that Britain’s looming barbecue season, when many may under-cook items like burgers, could fuel an even bigger outbreak.

There is currently no evidence the new E.coli outbreak is related to the one recorded at the end of last year that was linked to cheese.

The 113 confirmed cases of E.coli are spread across the UK, leading officials to believe it was caused by a nationally distributed food item

The 113 confirmed cases of E.coli are spread across the UK, leading officials to believe it was caused by a nationally distributed food item

The 113 confirmed cases of E.coli are spread across the UK, leading officials to believe it was caused by a nationally distributed food item

The Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) is a rare strain of the diarrhoea-causing bug that can leave people seriously ill

One of those hospitalised with serious symptoms was former golf course manager Christopher Holmes, 76.

He was admitted to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother hospital in Margate, Kent, with diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach cramps.

Doctors were initially puzzled as to what had caused the symptoms, but tests later showed he had contracted the STEC E.coli and he was moved to an isolation room.

Daughter Lea, 54, of Deal, Kent, said: ‘It’s been horrible. We don’t know what caused it.

‘He doesn’t eat red meat or fish and isn’t a big eater in general. He’s very hygienic and always cooks things properly.

‘The only thing that he thought it could have been was salad. He was eating lots of salads before he got ill.

‘He’s been on jellies, ice creams and soups for the last few days. It’s all been quite overwhelming for him.’

She added doctors are hoping to discharge her father in the coming days, once the infection has passed. 

Professor of food safety Nicola Holden said people should maintain good kitchen hygiene — and be particularly careful when breaking out the barbecue during the warm weather.

‘It’s a particularly nasty variant of E.coli and we have a high hospitalisation rate,’ she told Radio 4’s Today programme.

Symptoms of Shiga toxin-producing E.coli include severe diarrhoea and vomiting, according to the UK Health Security Agency 

‘What people can do is make sure they’re very vigilant about hand-washing and follow advice from food standard agencies about keeping their food safe and keeping good hygiene in the kitchen.

‘We’re coming up to barbecue season. People must make sure those beef burgers are cooked thoroughly and not raw in the middle, for example.’

She said finding the specific food that carried the bug could be challenging if it was perishable and has already either been eaten or disposed of.

‘It depends on what the source is as to whether they can identify it,’ she said. 

‘If it’s a foodstuff, it’s very hard to identify foods that are perishable that we may have been consumed or thrown away already.

‘If it’s a food that’s got a longer shelf life or is frozen, for example, there’s more likelihood that it can be identified.

‘We have infections across all four nations which suggests it is something that is nationally distributed.’

Professor Holden said symptoms of the disease can range from gastroenteritis to bloody diarrhoea and a life-threatening disease called haemolytic uremic syndrome which tends to be more serious in very young children.

She added: ‘You can get quite nasty diarrhoea, but it can progress to much more serious disease requiring intensive care support.’

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said it believes cases are linked to a ‘nationally distributed food item’ or ‘multiple food items’ and say they are investigating the cause. 

Two-thirds of those known to have been infected by the bacteria in England have become so severely ill they needed hospital care. 

Victims include children as young as two, though the majority are young adults.

UKHSA said a total of 113 cases have been logged between May 25 and June 4 but more are expected. 

Of these, 81 were in England, with 18 in Wales and 13 in Scotland. 

Just one case has been recorded in Northern Ireland though officials say this individual likely caught the bug in England. 

STEC is primarily spread by eating contaminated foods, such as raw vegetables that have not been washed or stored correctly or from undercooked meat. 

It can also be spread by touching infected animals or their faeces, either directly or through contaminated water.

People can also pass the bug on through direct content, such as caring for a child who is sick and then touching their face and mouth without properly washing their hands. 

UKHSA said current evidence points to a food-based origin of the current outbreak.

‘The source of this outbreak is not yet confirmed but there is currently no evidence linking the outbreak to open farms, drinking water or swimming in contaminated sea, lakes or rivers,’ it said. 

Professor Nicola Holden, a bacteriologist and a member of Applied Microbiology International’s Food Security Advisory Group, said: ‘STEC has been with us since the 1980s. 

‘It is a continually evolving bacteria that, as a group, has a high degree of genetic diversity. 

‘Sometimes that makes it difficult to detect pathogens from surveillance efforts that may have the potential to cause disease, because their genetics don’t always follow a predictable pattern that definitively identify them as such.’

STEC is considered to be extremely infectious, only a few bacteria need to be ingested for a person to become ill. 

Symptoms of infection include vomiting, fever, stomach cramps and diarrhoea which can last up to two weeks. 

Trish Mannes, incident director at UKHSA, urged Brits to take steps to avoid catching or potentially passing the infection on to others. 

‘Washing your hands with soap and warm water and using disinfectants to clean surfaces will help stop infections from spreading,’ she said. 

‘If you are unwell with diarrhoea and vomiting, you should not prepare food for others while unwell and avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes to avoid passing on the infection in these settings. 

‘Do not return to work, school or nursery until 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped.’

Britain’s food safety watchdog the Food Standards Agency is also assisting UKHSA to ‘identify the source of the illness’. 

People have been advised to contact NHS 111 or their GP if they or their children show any symptoms of E.coli infection.  

For children under five these can include disinterest in breast or bottle feeding and signs of dehydration such as fewer wet nappies.

Both adults and children are advised to call NHS 111 or their GP if they keep vomiting for two days or have diarrhoea for a week.

Anyone suffering bloody diarrhoea or bleeding from the bottom should call NHS 111 or their GP immediately. 

Source: Mail Online

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