A woman who was born with two wombs and cervixes has revealed she also has two boyfriends – but insists it’s not cheating because they each have a vagina to themselves.

Annie Charlotte, 25, from Surrey, previously caused a stir when she revealed her uterus didelphys diagnosis, a condition which was discovered when she had the contraceptive coil fitted at the age of 16.  

The medical phenomenon means that, incredibly, the model could conceive two babies with two different men at the same time.

She also has two periods – something she manages with contraception – and says both are ‘completely functional’.

After her long-term relationship ended last year, Annie has gone on to meet two new men – and claims she ‘isn’t cheating’ because they each have use of one designated vagina.

Annie Charlotte, from Surrey, was born with a rare condition which means she has two uteruses and two cervixes

‘I don’t cheat because I let my boyfriends use one vagina each.,’ Annie, who works as an OnlyFans model, said. 

However she added the two partners ‘don’t really know about each other’. 

She said: ‘I never told either of them about each other – I didn’t think they needed to know. They both have their own vagina, so they only have sex with that one.’

Annie has been dating one of the men for four months, and the second for two months.

The model, who makes content on OnlyFans, revealed she has two boyfriends who each have sex with one of her vaginas 

She said: ‘I started dating only recently. I got my first boyfriend last year, and then just kind of enjoyed that until it fizzled out and then started dating two new people.

‘It was casual at first but then we started hanging out more and more.’

She revealed that both of her partners make content with her for the adult platform. 

Annie says it can be ‘hard to juggle’ both men, but she sees them each once a week and spends alternate weekends with them.

She added: ‘I wouldn’t say we have a sex schedule per se, but I don’t have sex with them both on the same day – I feel like that’s fair for them.

‘Though they are separate vaginas, fluids could pass in between the two and I just feel like they would get upset if they knew.

‘Guys seem to get upset about girls sleeping with two guys within a 24-hour period so I just thought it was for the best.

Annie revealed she sees each of the boyfriends once a week and tries not to have sex with one too soon after the other

She also revealed she makes content for the adult platform with both of her boyfriends, who don’t know about each other

‘There is a kind of schedule when it comes to making OnlyFans content compared to when we have like fun sex – though it isn’t very strict I am still able to have fun with both my boyfriends on and off camera at different times.

‘I still don’t think it is cheating because I let my boyfriends use one vagina each, and I could probably sleep with them in closer proximity but I also don’t feel like I need to.’

What is  uterus didelphys?

Uterus didelphys, also known as a double uterus, is a condition where a woman is born with two uterus, two separate cervixes and sometimes two vaginas, though this is not always the case.

It occurs because in a female foetus the uterus starts out as two small tubes.

As the foetus develops, the tubes normally join to create one larger, hollow organ — the uterus.

Sometimes the tubes don’t join completely and each one develops into a separate hollow organ so the woman is born with two wombs.

It often only becomes noticeable after puberty and is diagnosed with a physical exam or an ultrasound scan.

In terms of physical anatomy, the two wombs are often slightly smaller than average in order to fit, though they can be as big as a ‘normal’ womb.

It also makes it possible to be pregnant twice at the same time – with a baby in each womb.

Some women are also born with two vaginas, although they can have sex and menstruate in the same way as women with just one.


Annie, who has 34,000 followers on Instagram, was diagnosed with uterus didelphys when she went to get a contraceptive coil fitted as a teenager.

Many women don’t know they have the condition because it does not always trigger symptoms.

Some are only diagnosed in pregnancy when they get routine scans and tests.

However, signs can include pain during sex, heavy bleeding, frequent miscarriages and preterm labour.

A double uterus occurs when a developing womb — which starts off as two separate ducts — fails to join together.

Medics don’t yet know why the condition occurs.

But it is thought to affect just one in every 3,000 women.

It can cause infertility among some sufferers, as it increases the risk of miscarriage because the uterus is smaller and may restrict the growth of a foetus.

Surgery to join a double uterus into one is possible but not often recommended by medics, unless patients experience severe symptoms.

The procedure removes the wall of tissue separating the two vaginas.

This can help the chances of sustaining a pregnancy.

Speaking about when she learnt of her diagnosis, Annie said: ‘I was a young woman, I was just starting to become interested in dating and exploring different parts of my body and I was suddenly told it was different to everyone else’s.

‘As a teenager, you want to be ‘normal’, and being told you weren’t, was really quite scary.

Luckily, by the time she went to university to study philosophy and religion a few years ago, Annie had learnt to open up – even using the quip ‘I have two vaginas’ as an ice breaker.

She said: ‘I really started to accept it.

‘I stopped looking at it as a medical issue, and all the problems that could arise from having children, and instead something that was just a super-cool aspect of myself because of people’s reactions, they would be shocked but also so interested.

‘Now, I’ve completely embraced it and accepted it as part of myself, and I’ve never been more confident.’

Source: Mail Online

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