The UK experienced its warmest May and spring on record, Met Office figures show.

The average temperature across March, April and May was a balmy 9.37°C – 0.15°C warmer than the previous record, set back in 2017.

It means eight of the top 10 warmest springs have all occurred this century. 

But if you felt like you permanently had your umbrella glued to your hand, you’re not wrong, with agency also confirming is was among the wettest on history. 

The average temperature across March, April and May was a balmy 9.37°C – 0.15°C warmer than the previous record, set back in 2017. It means eight of the top 10 warmest springs have all occurred in this century

According to the Met Office , the average mean temperature across the UK in May was 13.1°C, one degree higher than the previous record of 12.1C set in 2008

A Met Office Spokesperson said: ‘Higher than average temperatures in March and May, either side of a slightly warmer than average April, means that Spring 2024 is the warmest on record according to mean temperature. 

‘Despite the warmth, sunshine hours during the season were well below average, though not troubling any national records.

‘High overnight temperatures through the season have helped to push the mean temperature figure for the season beyond the previous record, while it has also been a wet spring for many.’

According to the Met Office, an average 301.7mm of rain fell on the country across March, April and May, almost a third (32 per cent) more than usual for the season.

It marked the wettest spring since 1986 and the sixth wettest on record. 

England and Wales were generally wetter than average, while Northern Ireland and Scotland saw less in the way of rain. 

Figures show England and Scotland also provisionally had their respective warmest springs on record by mean temperature. 

England’s mean temperature of 10.21°C topped 2017’s figure of 10.01°C, while Scotland’s figure of 7.97°C passed its previous record figure of 7.69°C set in 2014.

An average 301.7mm of rain fell on the country across March, April and May, almost a third (32 per cent) more than usual for the season. It marked the wettest spring since 1986 and the sixth wettest on record

But the sun was in short supply, with the UK seeing 17 per cent fewer hours of sunshine than average. The Met Office spokesperson added: ‘While it may not have felt like it for many, with sunshine in relatively short supply, provisional figures show May was the warmest on record in our series back to 1884’

The Met Office blamed climate change for these record-breaking figures but also cautioned that natural variation also plays a part in the country’s weather.

The UK’s record warmth also comes as the world has experienced a streak of record temperatures.

Climate change caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests which pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, is pushing up temperatures around the world, and causing more extreme weather such as droughts, heatwaves and intense rainfall.

Overall, the average mean temperature across the UK in May was also 13.1°C, one degree higher than the previous record of 12.1C set in 2008. 

But the sun was in short supply, with the UK seeing 17 per cent fewer hours of sunshine than average.

The Met Office spokesperson added: ‘While it may not have felt like it for many, with sunshine in relatively short supply, provisional figures show May was the warmest on record in our series back to 1884. 

‘This warmth was especially influenced by high overnight temperatures, with the average UK minimum temperature for May 1.2°C higher than the previous record.

‘Rainfall was above average for the UK, while some areas in the south saw over a third more rain than average.’

Source: Mail Online

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