A mom-of-two has detailed the shocking story of how she gave birth to her second daughter while in her car, having thought that she was pooping when she was actually pushing her baby out.

Chelsea, who did not reveal her last name, got candid with listeners while speaking on The Real Stuff podcast alongside host Lucie Fink.

In a video shared to YouTube, the New York-based mother detailed the wild moment she looked in her pants and saw her newborn baby’s ‘hair’ while sitting in her car as her husband, Justin, drove to the hospital. 

She revealed that she had no idea she was in labor until the baby slipped out -adding that she was just struggling to sit down, but didn’t think much of it at the time. 

A mom-of-two has detailed the story of how she gave birth to her second daughter while in her car, having thought that she was pooping when she was actually pushing her baby out

A mom-of-two has detailed the story of how she gave birth to her second daughter while in her car, having thought that she was pooping when she was actually pushing her baby out

A mom-of-two has detailed the story of how she gave birth to her second daughter while in her car, having thought that she was pooping when she was actually pushing her baby out

Chelsea (right), who did not reveal her last name, got candid with listeners while speaking on The Real Stuff podcast alongside host Lucie Fink (left)

Chelsea, who already had one daughter at the time, was 36-weeks pregnant when she went to the doctors office and learned that her baby wasn’t ready to be welcomed into the world just yet. 

Later that day, after waking up from a nap, she began feeling horrible pain in her legs and couldn’t sit down. 

First thinking she was being ‘dramatic,’ Chelsea once again attempted to sit down. 

After trying again, she realized she was experiencing contractions and immediately called her doctor, who told her to stay home and time her contractions. 

Chelsea’s doctor said that if she was having contractions that were five minutes part for at least an hour, then she should come to the hospital. 

However, Chelsea’s pain soon became increasingly worse and she could no longer take it, so she told her husband they needed to go to the hospital right away. 

Having no time to wait for her husband’s family to come and look after their other daughter, they strapped her into her car seat and took her along too. 

When Chelsea sat in the car, she held herself up with her arms – with one hand desperately clutching onto the parking brake because she was in so much pain when sitting. 

She told host Lucie that she thought she had pooped in her pants while her husband drove to the hospital (Lucie seen with her own child)

Thinking she had pooped, Chelsea looked inside of her sweatpants and saw her baby’s hair and grabbed her baby as she slipped out

‘The baby’s coming, the baby’s coming,’ Chelsea screamed as her husband tried to drive quickly but safely to the hospital. 

She said: ‘All of a sudden, I really had to go to the bathroom like really badly, so I was like, “Justin I really have to go to the bathroom, get us to the hospital.” He’s like, “you know if you have to go, go I guess, don’t know what to tell you like we’re not going to be there.”‘ 

Chelsea added: ‘I’d only been in labor for like 15 to 20 minutes so I really didn’t think… I thought I genuinely really had to poop.’ 

The mom-of-two began to push as if she was going to the bathroom and soon after she felt relief. 

As they got closer to the hospital, Chelsea began to wonder just how bad the damage was and put her hand at the back of her pants to feel how much she had excreted. 

However, she didn’t feel what she was expecting and instead, felt something more solid. 

She explained: ‘At that point luckily, I’m wearing big sweat pants so I open the front and I look to see what’s in my pants and it was my daughter’s head – I didn’t know it was a girl at the time. 

‘I wasn’t positive it was the head because it was like just her hair, I could tell that it wasn’t poop and it wasn’t a whole baby, so I reached in to kind of feel it and it’s her hair. 

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Now, Chelsea is five months postpartum and both she and her daughters are healthy and happy

‘At that point she wasn’t all the way out yet but when I touched her head she kind of  slid out and I held her up. 

‘I was like, “look it’s the baby.”‘ 

Justin and Chelsea were both stunned as the seats of their car was flooded with blood, but fortunately they were just arriving at the hospital. 

As soon as they arrived, a good Samaritan gave Chelsea a wheelchair and pushed her up to the labor and delivery area. 

The doctors cut the umbilical cord and told Chelsea that she gave birth to a happy and healthy baby, whom she named Olivia and weighed seven pounds.

The medics then stitched her up and gave her a bill for ‘labor and delivery’ services, despite having not delivered the baby in the hospital. 

At the end of the video, Chelsea noted that she ‘doesn’t have a great pain tolerance,’ before claiming that if ‘she can do it, anyone can.’ 

Now, Chelsea is five months postpartum and she and her daughters are healthy and happy. 

Chelsea revealed that she and Justin have no plans of having another baby any time soon. 

Source: Mail Online

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