Want to know just how valuable it is having your own GP who knows you, and who you see at every appointment? Yesterday the Mail reported that nearly a third of patients ‘rarely’ saw the same one, and just half ‘always’ or sometimes’ saw the same GP.

Let me show you what happens when you don’t have this — because in A&E we pick up the pieces of this every day.

Last week an 84-year-old gentleman came into A&E struggling to breathe as a result of complications of his heart failure. Until then he’d just about coped, but a recent chest infection had tipped him over the edge.

But when he rang his GP for an appointment, there wasn’t one available soon enough so he was told to call 111.

Now if he’d seen his usual — and experienced — GP, knowing him as they do, they would have done everything to keep him out of hospital and most likely would have given him antibiotics and increased his dose of heart failure medication.

Instead the 111 call handler typed his symptoms into the computer and the algorithm decided an ambulance should be called. Three hours later the paramedics arrived; they are highly skilled essential members of the NHS — but their training is in managing acutely unwell patients.

My patient wasn’t acutely unwell, but chronically unwell, with a chest infection the straw breaking the proverbial camel’s back. The paramedics could not do what the patient needed — that is, modify his medication and prescribe antibiotics.

Instead they brought him to A&E; arriving late at night, he was placed — yes, you guessed it — in a corridor and started to receive a battery of tests, many of which he didn’t necessarily need, such as an ECG and chest X-ray, but which the protocol required because he had a breathing problem.

One of these tests, a d-dimer test, showed a problem. This test checks for a clot in the lung, but it is not a great test — it goes up in a number of other conditions. Including chest infections.

The test was ordered by an inexperienced staff member because the patient was short of breath. When a junior doctor saw the results, they were understandingly worried.

Having spent the majority of their training in hospitals — and having never worked in a GP surgery — they reacted according to their training: they had to rule out a potentially life-threatening lung clot.

And so an expensive CT scan was ordered — not only was this normal, but it delayed scans of patients who really needed one.

By the time I was asked to review this patient, it was 3am.

And while I would otherwise have discharged him, I couldn’t because it was too late and there was no available transport to take him home.

All I could do was admit him to a ward. Outside of his usual environment, he lost his confidence, had a fall and ended up staying in hospital for over a week.

What could have been dealt with in a ten-minute face-to-face consultation with his own GP who knew him well, ended up with an unnecessary hospital admission costing many times what a GP appointment would.

This is not an isolated case. And as someone who has dedicated their whole career to working in the NHS, it pains me to write this — but the NHS really is failing.

No wonder the public has lost confidence in it, as revealed in the latest annual British Society Attitudes Survey.

The results showed that although the public still supports the principles of the NHS, satisfaction with the health service is now just 24 per cent — in 2010 that figure was 70 per cent.

While there are many problems with our healthcare system, at the heart of it is lack of continuity of care with your GP.

If patients were treated differently, outcomes would be better and in a more cost-effective way — and the data backs this up.

And yet what the Government is doing is not trying to keep GPs, especially the experienced ones: indeed while there’s been some additional funding for GP surgeries, they are specifically not allowed to spend it on GPs, but must spend it on other (cheaper) staff who don’t have the level of expertise, such as physician associates. This is going to undermine patient satisfaction further.

But back to why seeing the same GP matters. In a new study in the journal Management Science, researchers at Cambridge University analysed data from ten million GP consultations.

They found that when patients saw the same doctor, their care was better (shown by the fact that the time between their appointments was 18 per cent longer compared with patients who saw different doctors), thus reducing demand.

This echoes a study in the BMJ in 2017 that reviewed the medical notes of 230,472 older adults in England — continuity of care reduced the number of hospital admissions.

Another review of 42 studies, published in 2021 in the journal BMC Primary Care, found that continuity of care for patients with diabetes or hypertension reduced their risk of premature death and need for hospital care.

But to me the key study is one from 2022, which showed that the longer you’d had the same GP, the lower your use of out-of-hours and emergency services, the fewer hospital admissions you had and the lower your risk of dying early, reported the British Journal of General Practice. This was based on data from over 4.5 million patients in Norway, so is research we should take seriously.

What all these studies have in common is that continuity of care is the key to improving outcomes — and importantly, making the healthcare system affordable. Experience, though, is crucial.

Experience — and the autonomy which doctors have — allow them to become a ‘riskatician’, which is what’s needed to help the NHS survive.

Riskatician is my word for making decisions in the patient’s best interest but knowing there is an element of risk in that you may miss a diagnosis as you’re not doing every possible test.

Professor Rob Galloway writes that experience — and the autonomy which doctors have — allow them to become a ‘riskatician’, which is what’s needed to help the NHS survive.

The other thing all these studies have in common is that they are being ignored by those who run our NHS — who have chosen to waste money on initiatives to improve access, but not to those healthcare professionals who know the patients or have the experience to make these risk-based decisions: GPs, of course.

This is where that extra funding comes in. To cope with the number of GPs retiring or leaving their jobs, practices are getting an additional £1.4 bn of funding.

But the catch is they’re not allowed to spend it on GPs who can provide that experienced continuity of care that’s so needed. Instead, they must spend it on supporting staff such as physician associates, health coaches, musculoskeletal specialists, pharmacists and paramedics.

They’re all good in the role they are trained to do but they’re often being asked to see patients a senior GP would normally see.

Without the same degree of expertise, training and autonomy, the decisions they make are often risk adverse and not doing the best thing for the patient.

On a recent shift, I saw a patient who’d been seen by a paramedic practitioner in a GP surgery.

This patient was dying from pneumonia. The paramedic practitioner had referred them to hospital for fluids and antibiotics: this was safe care, but the patient was in a nursing home and had dementia. What was really needed was a discussion with their family about keeping them at the home and making them comfortable while nature took its course.

This is what GPs are expert in doing. In addition some of those without the experience of GPs but performing that role — such as physician associates — literally don’t have the experience to recognise how sick some patients are, and unlike that paramedic, may not refer the patient to hospital when they need it. But that’s a subject for another day.

As clinicians we use evidence-based medicine to treat our patients. NHS leaders need to do the same.

Evidence shows that the most cost-effective use of NHS money is ensuring that GP surgeries have the resources to provide continuity of care from an experienced clinician. Only then will the public’s perception of how well the NHS is doing really start to recover.


Source: Mail Online

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