From 1h ago

Three-year-old rescued from Hello Kitty claw machine in Brisbane

Eden Gillespie

An adventurous three-year-old has been rescued from a claw machine in a Queensland shopping centre after crawling up the prize dispenser in search of toys.

Police posted a video of the carefree child, named Ethan, surrounded by a mountain of Hello Kitty plushies as officers pondered how to get him out.

Officers responded to reports the child was trapped in the claw machine at Capalaba Park shopping centre at 7.15pm on Sunday.

But when they arrived, Ethan, who was wearing a Power Rangers shirt, appeared unfazed and in no rush to be rescued.

Nevertheless, Ethan followed police and his parents’ instructions, crawling through the toys to get out of the way and covering his eyes as officers shattered the glass to free him.

Ethan was then returned safely to his family, with an officer joking “you won a prize, which one do you want?”

A spokesperson for the Retail First Group said it was the first time such an incident had occurred at one of their 21 shopping centres in south-east Queensland.

The spokesperson said the child wasn’t in the machine for long, with security, police and emergency services all attending quickly.

Obviously, they smashed the glass, so that machine has been removed.

We are in discussions with the vendor of the claw machines just to look at measures that we can put in place to avoid this happening in the future.

Three-year-old rescued from Hello Kitty claw machine in Brisbane – video

Updated at 21.18 EST

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A national health agency is needed to coordinate health decisions across states, the government inquiry into Covid-19 has heard this afternoon.


Labor had promised a Covid-19 royal commission going into the 2022 election, but in September announced it would hold a special commission of inquiry instead.


The federal secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Annie Butler, has told the inquiry:



The experience of Covid was an X-ray of the entire health and aged care system. It showed all the fractures, revealed the tiny breaks and even the cracks.



Butler said it especially starkly revealed the many health inequalities.


In order to be prepared for future pandemics, sufficient public funding for health services is needed, including rebuilding Medicare in order to address the changing healthcare needs of Australians, Butler said.

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Both Butler and the representative of the peak body for general practitioners, Prof Mark Morgan, agreed that a central body for coordination of health decisions across the states would help Australia better respond to future national health challenges.

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An adventurous three-year-old has been rescued from a claw machine in a Queensland shopping centre after crawling up the prize dispenser in search of toys.


Police posted a video of the carefree child, named Ethan, surrounded by a mountain of Hello Kitty plushies as officers pondered how to get him out.


Officers responded to reports the child was trapped in the claw machine at Capalaba Park shopping centre at 7.15pm on Sunday.


But when they arrived, Ethan, who was wearing a Power Rangers shirt, appeared unfazed and in no rush to be rescued.


Nevertheless, Ethan followed police and his parents’ instructions, crawling through the toys to get out of the way and covering his eyes as officers shattered the glass to free him.


Ethan was then returned safely to his family, with an officer joking “you won a prize, which one do you want?”


A spokesperson for the Retail First Group said it was the first time such an incident had occurred at one of their 21 shopping centres in south-east Queensland.


The spokesperson said the child wasn’t in the machine for long, with security, police and emergency services all attending quickly.



Obviously, they smashed the glass, so that machine has been removed.


We are in discussions with the vendor of the claw machines just to look at measures that we can put in place to avoid this happening in the future.


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The Victorian health department is investigating allegations staff and family members at a regional hospital posed as patients during a ministerial visit.


The Colac Herald was first to report allegations that Colac Area Health staged a full emergency department during a visit from the health minister, Mary-Anne Thomas, in August 2023.


The health department confirmed to Guardian Australia it was aware of the complaint and was investigating. It said in a statement:



We’re working closely with Colac Area Health on the matter and it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time.



Thomas was asked about the allegations during a press conference in Daylesford this morning and told reporters:



If these allegations prove to be true this is a very significant breach of trust that has been perpetrated by some in the health service, and I certainly would take a very dim view of any employees or others who have been involved in this.



She recalled that the emergency ward was busy during her visit but she had “no reason to be suspicious”. Thomas also ruled out any involvement from her office:



This has nothing whatsoever to do with my office and if anyone is suggesting that I take great offence.


I don’t need anyone to tell me that our hospitals are under pressure. I visit health services all the time. I see what’s happening on the ground.


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The release of political donations data this morning showing the millions poured into the major political parties has renewed calls for major reform.


The Albanese government pledged to introduce spending and donation caps and truth in political advertising laws, as revealed by Guardian Australia after the 2022 election and confirmed by a parliamentary inquiry that reported in July.


The special minister of state, Don Farrell, confirmed in October he was still in discussions with all political parties to “try and get some consensus” about increasing transparency and accountability into the federal electoral system.


But the release of annual political returns this morning has prompted integrity champions to again push for change ahead of the next federal election, which is expected by mid-2025.

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Bill Browne, the Australia Institute’s democracy and accountability program director, said the release highlighted a lack of transparency and integrity in Australian politics.



We are learning today whether businesses made political donations 18 months ago. These lags and other loopholes make it difficult to see how politicians and political parties are being funded – and by whom…



Greens senator, Larissa Waters, who has previously warned the government against doing a “dirty deal” with the opposition against improved transparency, said there was still zero detail on how the Albanese government will deliver on its election promises.



Different government, same political donors running the show. Democracy is still for sale … The Greens have been campaigning for decades to clean up our democracy. It’s time for Labor to come to the table and work with us to ensure politicians work in the public interest, not the interest of their donor mates.


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Returning to the Senate committee on the cost of living crisis:


Roseberry is a not-for-profit that runs a program offering families school supplies every year. Their Youth Services coordinator Fabian Webber told the committee they’ve seen a spike in dual-income families accessing services.



The demand for our back to school program has definitely increased significantly the past couple of years. We had an extra 100 families this year, coming to the service over last year.


Once upon a time, it was the same cohort of people. Now we’re seeing a mix of everybody – [like] dual-income families who still can’t afford getting their kids back to school. So definitely an increase in numbers and definitely a change in the cohort.



He says families are looking for help with everything, such as books, rulers and pens, to get their kids ready for the school year.

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Clive Palmer’s mining company, Mineralogy, has once again topped the list of political donors, funnelling $7.1m into his one-senator party, the United Australia party, in the year following the federal election.


Annual political returns, released by the Australian Electoral Commission today, show Palmer gave 10 donations to the minor political party over the course of the year totalling $7.1m. The United Australia Party, who has one elected member in the senate, then spent $2.5m during the 2022-23 financial year.


The major parties reported receiving a total of $345m in donations and other receipts – which includes fees to attend the party’s business forums, and public funding from the AEC among other payments.

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Labor recorded a major increase in its donations and receipts for 2022-23 over the previous year, receiving a total of almost $220m. Much of the $100m increase on the previous year’s sum is due to its ACT branch reporting it raked in $136.5m – an increase of almost 100 times on its previous years.


Guardian Australia contacted ACT Labor to inquire about the figure and was told it was a typographical error and an amendment to reduce the final figure to $1.3m would be submitted shortly.


Meanwhile, the Liberal party declared it received $112.7m while its junior partner, the Nationals, recieved $13.6m.


The Greens recorded $25.6m for the year, an increase of $3m on the federal election year.

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Tributes are flowing following news that NSW’s longest-serving treasurer, Michael Egan, has died.


The state premier Chris Minns said that “nothing can really put into words the sheer impact [Egan] has had on NSW”.


He wrote in a statement:



While Labor to his bootstraps and not one to ‘altercate in undertones,’ Michael cherished our democratic institutions and always acted to ensure they deserved the public’s trust.


Impatient with theorists and purists, he excelled at producing economic and social reforms through the messy compromise of politics.


He drove changes to make NSW ports, energy, rail and water more competitive, reducing prices for households and businesses, improving living standards and creating jobs.



Entering politics in October 1978, Egan served in the Legislative Assembly for more than five years as member for Cronulla and in the Legislative Council for more than 18 years.


He was the longest-serving treasurer in NSW history – for nearly a decade between 3 April 1995 and 21 January 2005.


Minns said:



Our thoughts are with Michael’s loved ones at this difficult time. Michael will be greatly missed by all who knew him.


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NSW arts minister John Graham says that the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo will close on 5 February for heritage revitalisation that will take up to three years to complete before the museum reopens.


The Guardian understands the building has significant problems that must be urgently addressed – including a leak in the roof and large cracks in several walls – putting the museum’s collection at risk.


The state government committed $250m for the revitalisation works on 2 September last year. A statement from Graham reads:



To put it bluntly, the current Ultimo building is not up to the standard of a world-class museum that NSW wants it to be. A museum requires temperature control, and a dust- and pest-free environment to ensure the safety of the objects on display and in collection.


The government is taking the action we promised to ensure the future of the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo meets the expectations of its audiences and communities now and for future generations.



Graham said that 100 staff and exhibition workshop facilities will remain in Ultimo while the works are complete. 56 staff will relocate to Castle Hill and 80 staff will go to Parramatta.


The museum is expected to reopen in 2027.


This comes as workers with the Public Services Association are staging a protest today.

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Australians are buying less fruit and vegetables, and one-third of shoppers are skipping meals due to rising grocery prices, according to a new survey.


The survey of 4771 respondents, conducted by the Greens, comes amid intensifying scrutiny on supermarket pricing policies, with the major chains now subject to government inquiries and a new probe by the competition regulator.


The Greens-led Senate inquiry, designed to investigate the effect of market concentration on food prices and pattern of major chains’ pricing decisions, is due to start holding public hearings early in the year.

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The survey found that almost half of respondents have made significant adjustments to their household budgets because of increased grocery prices.


In response to higher prices, 56.3% of respondents said they are buying less fruit and vegetables, and 32.8% report skipping meals.


Senator Nick McKim, the Greens’ competition policy spokesperson, said that “behind these figures lie real human stories of distress and hardship”.



People are being forced to compromise on their health and wellbeing while supermarket corporations are raking in billions in profit.



The country’s major grocery retailers have consistently defended their pricing decisions by attributing rising prices to inflationary cost pressures.

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St Vincent’s hospital in Sydney says it is investigating how an image of shark-attack victim Lauren O’Neill’s injuries were leaked from inside the hospital.


In a statement, a spokesperson for St Vincent’s said it had “become aware of photos in the public domain” of a patient’s injury, appearing to be taken from within the emergency department.



St Vincent’s takes patient privacy obligations extremely seriously and is investigating this issue as a matter of priority.


We have engaged with the patient and we have sincerely apologised for any part St Vincent’s played in the photos being taken.


","elementId":"736f2e8a-172a-44eb-8185-c15dc62e28fd"},{"_type":"model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.RichLinkBlockElement","prefix":"Related: ","text":"Sydney Harbour shark attack: witness tells of ‘surreal’ rescue from water as bystanders and medical staff praised","elementId":"e0137efe-64ca-4286-b328-b9773fee022e","role":"thumbnail","url":""}],"attributes":{"pinned":false,"keyEvent":true,"summary":false},"blockCreatedOn":1706737839000,"blockCreatedOnDisplay":"16.50 EST","blockLastUpdated":1706740257000,"blockLastUpdatedDisplay":"17.30 EST","blockFirstPublished":1706738070000,"blockFirstPublishedDisplay":"16.54 EST","blockFirstPublishedDisplayNoTimezone":"16.54","title":"Images of shark-attack victim’s injuries leaked from Sydney hospital","contributors":[],"primaryDateLine":"Wed 31 Jan 2024 22.22 EST","secondaryDateLine":"First published on Wed 31 Jan 2024 14.30 EST"},{"id":"65babdc98f08d26c7ae38292","elements":[{"_type":"model.dotcomrendering.pageElements.TextBlockElement","html":"

New concussion guidelines to help protect Australia’s grass-roots athletes have been introduced, AAP reports.


The guidelines, announced today by sports and medical officials, include a return-to-sport protocol aimed at ensuring a minimum three-week break between a concussion and the resumption of competitive contact or collision sport.


The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), in partnership with Sports Medicine Australia (SMA), launched its Concussion and Brain Health Position Statement 2024 today, alongside the Australian Concussion Guidelines for Youth and Community Sport.


The guidelines have used the most up-to-date, evidence-based information on concussion for athletes, parents, teachers, coaches and healthcare practitioners.


Sports Medicine Australia CEO Jamie Crain said:



With concussion being a major issue in sport, it is imperative that all athletes, not just those competing at an elite level who have immediate access to team doctors, get the care and attention they need.



Federal health minister Mark Butler told Channel Nine the new guidelines would add peace of mind for parents and others overseeing community sport.



I used to ride the boundary watching my son play footy. By the time they’re in their early teens now, they are big units and they hit hard.


Every now and then you’d see a kid knocked out and it was a real worry for not just the parents but for the whole group around the boundaries.



In addition to the 21 day ‘time-out’ following a concussion, the minister highlighted the introduction of concussion officers to “make sure that the kids or the adults in community sport are being followed up by … medical experts”.

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President of the Australian Medical Association, Steve Robson, says the tripling of a bulk-billing incentive for doctors last year has “stopped [a] sharp decline” of bulk-billing.


Speaking to ABC News Breakfast, Robson said bulk-billing was in “very sharp decline around the country and things were reaching crisis point” last year. Since the new incentives were released last year, there has been an uptick in bulk-billing, he said, but added:



We know that for decades, successive governments have neglected Medicare and it really has fallen into disrepair. It’s going to take a lot of work, a big commitment, and it’s going to take investment to bring Medicare back to where we think it should be and make healthcare accessible and affordable for all Australians.



Robson argued that general practice has been “neglected”, with young people not wanting to take up the profession.



We’re hoping that these incentives will make that an attractive career path again, we’ll have more GPs training, and that will ease pressure on the system and allow Australians to get the care they need.


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The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, is speaking to ABC RN, and says news that the inflation rate has plunged to a two-year low of 4.1% is “welcoming, encouraging progress”.



… We know that people are still under pressure and we need to not be complacent about it. We need to continue to work as we have with our three point plan, having the surplus, making sure we deal with cost of living pressures without putting pressure on inflation, and dealing with … supply-chain issues as well.


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Royal Life Saving (RLS) is predicting that this summer will be one of the worst summers for drownings, with more than 100 fatalities possible before the end of February.


At the end of January, 72 people had drowned across Australia since 1 December, up 24% from the same time last summer and 4% on the five-year average.


This follows the deadly Christmas holiday period, where 25 drowning deaths were recorded between 24 December and 2 January.


24 of these occurred in NSW, 19 in Victoria and 16 in Queensland – up by 60% in the sunshine state compared to the same time last year.


People aged 45-54 made up 22% of all summer drowning deaths. 13 children aged below 17 have drowned this summer.


RLS chief executive officer Justin Scarr said:



If the current trend continues, and with four weeks to go, we forecast the summer drowning toll could exceed 100 drowning deaths by the end of February.



People are being warned to stay vigilant around the water and remember “drowning can happen when least expected, even to people who are strong swimmers”.

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And happy Thursday. I’m Emily Wind, and I’ll be with you on our liveblog today.


See something that needs attention? You can get in touch via X, @emilywindwrites, or send me an email:


Let’s get into it.

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Georgie Purcell, the Victorian MP whose image was manipulated this week, writes for us today about the strain caused by the affair but how she intends to keep fighting animal rights and women, and vows “to continue calling out injustice as long as it exists”.


She writes about how she entered politics with no illusions about how difficult it would be to navigate a world in which she lacked experience. But as she was trying to oppose duck shooting in Victoria she found herself in the middle of even bigger story:



Monday marked a new low. Against a backdrop of shooter bravado, and woven between endless messages from men vowing to kill more ducks “for me”, a mainstream TV news channel betrayed not just me, but all women …


I can deal with this personally. While it is tiring, I won’t stop talking about my experiences, because it reflects what women face broadly, especially young women. If men won’t stand up in news rooms, parliaments or offices around the country, then I must, even on my worst days.



Read her full article here:

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Good morning and welcome again to our daily news blog. I’m Martin Farrer and I’ll be bringing you the best of the overnight stories before my colleague Emily Wind steps up.


Jim Chalmers fires the latest salvo in the government’s war of words over its tax reforms today by saying the Coalition would “smash the budget” by almost $40bn if it tried to restore the cuts for higher earners. The treasurer is publishing Treasury data showing that restoring the full stage-three tax cuts for higher earners while keeping Labor’s relief for low- and middle-income earners would cost $38.9bn more over four years.


Treasury figures also form the basis for another of our top stories today showing how tax relief for landlords continues to balloon. The annual summary of tax expenditures shows concessions for superannuation cost the federal budget almost $50bn a year. Topping the list was concessions for super contributions, which cost the budget $28.55bn, up almost 23% from the previous year. Help for landlords, meanwhile, mostly in the form of negative gearing, cost the budget $27bn – up from $17bn three years ago. The huge number is likely to spark anger among tenants who, as the latest figures show today, saw rents increase by 0.8% in January – the biggest monthly rise since April.


Forty years ago today a “little green card” changed the lives of many Australians by offering universal health insurance services. As Medicare marks its 40th anniversary today, health experts say it’s a time to reflect on whether it is meeting all its goals. More reaction coming up, including new data showing the national bulk billing rate has risen by 2.1 percentage points since November.


And today’s the day the Australian Electoral Commission publishes the donations made in the past financial year – we’ll let you know who’s bankrolling our political scene.

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Key events

Filters BETA

Natasha May

‘Vast majority’ of nurses and midwives supported vaccine mandates, Covid-19 inquiry told

Back to the special commission of inquiry into Covid-19, which is holding hearings today:

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts has asked the inquiry about the “thousands of nurses stood down in Queensland for refusing to get the vaccine”.

The federal secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Annie Butler, told Roberts she did not have an exact figure but it would have been in the hundreds, not thousands.

Many thousands more were pro the mandate because they see that and regard that as the number-one line of defence … helping protect themselves and their patients.

On balance the vast majority of our members were very strongly in favour of vaccination mandates.

LNP senator Gerard Rennick also enquired about autoimmune issues from the vaccine. Both Butler and Prof Mark Morgan from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners defended the medically proven benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Speaking to the breakdown in trust which occurred during the pandemic, Butler said many nurses and midwives were spat on and abused by patients due to misinformation fuelled by social media.

Updated at 22.21 EST

Dreyfus meets US counterpart after ‘landmark agreement’ on law enforcement cooperation

While visiting the US, attorney general Mark Dreyfus has met with his US counterpart Merrick Garland, and Australia’s ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd.

Rudd shared a photo of the meeting to social media:

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Excellent to have 🇦🇺 Attorney-General @MarkDreyfusKCMP here in DC, and right off the bat meeting with his 🇺🇸 counterpart, Attorney-General Merrick Garland. Announcing big steps for our nations to work together on international law enforcement. Joint Statement below.

&mdash; Kevin Rudd AC (@AmboRudd) January 31, 2024

"}}” config=”{"renderingTarget":"Web","darkModeAvailable":false}”>

Excellent to have 🇦🇺 Attorney-General @MarkDreyfusKCMP here in DC, and right off the bat meeting with his 🇺🇸 counterpart, Attorney-General Merrick Garland. Announcing big steps for our nations to work together on international law enforcement. Joint Statement below.

— Kevin Rudd AC (@AmboRudd) January 31, 2024

In case you missed it, a “landmark agreement” was signed between the two attorneys general this week, boosting international cooperation when it comes to addressing serious crime, such as terrorism and child sexual abuse.

According to a statement, the agreement will help tackle serious criminal activity when the information law enforcement needs is held by overseas providers.

We had all the details in yesterday’s blog here.

Updated at 22.13 EST

National health agency needed to coordinate decisions, Covid-19 inquiry hears

Natasha May

A national health agency is needed to coordinate health decisions across states, the government inquiry into Covid-19 has heard this afternoon.

Labor had promised a Covid-19 royal commission going into the 2022 election, but in September announced it would hold a special commission of inquiry instead.

The federal secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Annie Butler, has told the inquiry:

The experience of Covid was an X-ray of the entire health and aged care system. It showed all the fractures, revealed the tiny breaks and even the cracks.

Butler said it especially starkly revealed the many health inequalities.

In order to be prepared for future pandemics, sufficient public funding for health services is needed, including rebuilding Medicare in order to address the changing healthcare needs of Australians, Butler said.

Both Butler and the representative of the peak body for general practitioners, Prof Mark Morgan, agreed that a central body for coordination of health decisions across the states would help Australia better respond to future national health challenges.

Updated at 22.22 EST

Myanmar sanctions welcome but ‘missed opportunity’ to go further, Birmingham says

The shadow foreign minister, Simon Birmingham, has welcomed the additional sanctions placed on Myanmar by the government, but said they don’t go far enough to align Australia with its international counterparts.

As announced by the foreign minister, Penny Wong, Australia has imposed additional targeted sanctions on five entities linked to the Myanmar military regime, on the third anniversary of the military coup.

(You can read more on this earlier in the blog here).

Responding to this, Birmingham wrote on X:

This [third] anniversary of the brutal military coup in Myanmar, we reaffirm our support for people of [Myanmar] in their continuing struggle for democracy & freedom. The coup has inflicted an enormous toll, especially on women, children, religious minorities [and] peaceful protestors.

Additional sanctions by [Wong] today upon the Myanmar military regime are welcome but fail to bring [Australia] in line with counterparts like US, UK [and] Canada. This is a regrettable missed opportunity to target sources of funds, arms, equipment [and] jet fuel as allies have done.

The Coalition calls for an immediate end to violence [and] a return to a democratic pathway. We urge the Albanese Government to take swift [and] appropriate action against the military junta [and] those who support it.

Updated at 22.01 EST

Perth’s east set to bake, maximum of 45C forecast

Residents in Perth are preparing for another day of scorching temperatures with some eastern suburbs expected to climb into the mid-40s amid heatwave conditions across much of Western Australia, AAP reports.

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast Midland and Ellenbrook to reach 45C today with Kalamunda and Armadale predicted to hit 44C and 43C respectively, and Perth forecast to reach a maximum of 41C.

By 10am local time, Perth airport had climbed to 40.2C, the city 38.4C and Pearce in the city’s north-east recording 41.9C.

Temperatures reached 44C in some parts of Perth yesterday, well above the forecast 39C, with tomorrow also expected to bring hot conditions before cooler weather over the weekend.

The heatwave is covering most of WA, with Northam tomorrow forecast to reach 44C, Geraldton 43C and Kalgoorlie 40C.

In the north, Marble Bar is expecting 46C, Paraburdoo 45C and Roebourne 42C.

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Much of #WA, including #Perth, is sweltering through a heatwave. Daytime temperatures reaching the low forties, oppressive overnight minimums. Cool change this weekend in the southwest.

Stay cool and hydrated. Temperature forecasts:

&mdash; Bureau of Meteorology, Western Australia (@BOM_WA) January 31, 2024

\n\n"}}” config=”{"renderingTarget":"Web","darkModeAvailable":false}”>

Updated at 21.46 EST

Eden Gillespie

Queensland increases funding for homelessness services by $390m

Queensland will boost funding to homelessness services across the state by 20% as part of a housing plan soon to be delivered by the state government.

Around 90 organisations are expected to benefit from $390m in additional funding for the next 18 months.

It comes after the premier, Steven Miles, said the cabinet had endorsed five pillars of the “Homes for Queensland” plan. He said these include “building homes faster, supporting renters, helping people into home ownership, delivering social homes and boosting public housing and ending homelessness”.

No one should be sleeping on the streets in a tent or in their car. Least of all families or Queensland children.

That’s why the first part of the government’s Homes for Queensland plan aims to deal with this complex issue.

Updated at 21.51 EST

NSW Teachers Federation backs Minns’ call for full federal public school funding

New South Wales teachers have backed the actions of the state government in working to secure full funding for its public schools from the Commonwealth government.

Yesterday, a “landmark” deal between the Commonwealth and Western Australia to co-fund public school improvements was rejected by all other states. You can read all the background on this below:

According to the NSW Teachers Federation, the premier, Chris Minns, said at a press conference this morning:

We need the Commonwealth Government to up their contributions to public school funding … when it comes to agreements between the state and the Commonwealth, the full Gonski amount from the Commonwealth government needs to be supplied and the reason for that is they have deeper pockets.

The union’s president, Henry Rajendra, agrees the Commonwealth has the financial firepower to fully fund public schools:

It is simply unconscionable that children in public schools are missing out while private schools, which receive substantial public funding, splurge on unnecessary vanity projects such as equestrian centres and Olympic pools.

Premier Minns and [education minister Prue] Car are taking a strong stand for public education. We applaud them for doing so and urge them to maintain the pressure.

Updated at 21.34 EST

No jail for ex-premier’s cop son over false evidence

The police officer son of ex-NSW premier and federal senator Kristina Keneally has slumped over in relief after being spared jail for a false statement that led to an activist’s wrongful imprisonment, AAP reports.

Daniel Keneally was sentenced to a 15-month intensive correction order in Sydney’s Downing Centre local court today after earlier being convicted of fabricating evidence.

The intensive correction order was imposed despite prosecutors urging magistrate Rodney Brender to instead order full-time imprisonment.

The 35-year-old was also ordered to complete 200 hours of community service and pay a $2,000 fine.

Keneally wrote a statement containing numerous falsehoods relating to a phone call from Luke Brett Moore to Newtown police station in February 2021.

The statement, including false claims Moore threatened to kill a police officer, resulted in the activist being arrested and held in custody for three weeks.

You can read the full background on this below:

Updated at 21.17 EST

Flash flooding, damaging winds predicted for QLD Gulf country

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Kirrily is continuing to wreak havoc in Queensland, moving across to the north-west and bringing intense rainfall to the Gulf country.

In a post to X, the Queensland fire and emergency service said 24-hour rainfall totals between 100mm and 200mm are predicted, causing a high chance of flash flooding and damaging 90km/h winds on the coastal fringe from this afternoon.

The [Bureau of Meteorology] has issued a severe weather warning for areas that are likely to see the heaviest rain.

The warning includes Mornington Island, Normanton, Doomadgee, Burketown, Karumba and Augustus Downs Station.

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⛈️ Ex-Tropical Cyclone Kirrily ⛈️ is making its way north-west across the state, bringing heavy and intense rainfall to the Gulf Country.

With predicted 24-hourly totals between 100mm and 200mm, there is a high chance of dangerous flash flooding and damaging 90km/h winds on the…

&mdash; Qld Fire &amp; Emergency (@QldFES) February 1, 2024

"}}” config=”{"renderingTarget":"Web","darkModeAvailable":false}”>

⛈️ Ex-Tropical Cyclone Kirrily ⛈️ is making its way north-west across the state, bringing heavy and intense rainfall to the Gulf Country.

With predicted 24-hourly totals between 100mm and 200mm, there is a high chance of dangerous flash flooding and damaging 90km/h winds on the…

— Qld Fire & Emergency (@QldFES) February 1, 2024

Updated at 21.15 EST

Some solid Gen Z content for your Thursday afternoon, courtesy of the ABS:

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🤡 #genzemailsignoffs

&mdash; Australian Bureau of Statistics (@ABSStats) February 1, 2024

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Three-year-old rescued from Hello Kitty claw machine in Brisbane

Eden Gillespie

An adventurous three-year-old has been rescued from a claw machine in a Queensland shopping centre after crawling up the prize dispenser in search of toys.

Police posted a video of the carefree child, named Ethan, surrounded by a mountain of Hello Kitty plushies as officers pondered how to get him out.

Officers responded to reports the child was trapped in the claw machine at Capalaba Park shopping centre at 7.15pm on Sunday.

But when they arrived, Ethan, who was wearing a Power Rangers shirt, appeared unfazed and in no rush to be rescued.

Nevertheless, Ethan followed police and his parents’ instructions, crawling through the toys to get out of the way and covering his eyes as officers shattered the glass to free him.

Ethan was then returned safely to his family, with an officer joking “you won a prize, which one do you want?”

A spokesperson for the Retail First Group said it was the first time such an incident had occurred at one of their 21 shopping centres in south-east Queensland.

The spokesperson said the child wasn’t in the machine for long, with security, police and emergency services all attending quickly.

Obviously, they smashed the glass, so that machine has been removed.

We are in discussions with the vendor of the claw machines just to look at measures that we can put in place to avoid this happening in the future.

Three-year-old rescued from Hello Kitty claw machine in Brisbane – video

Updated at 21.18 EST

Victorian health department to investigate claims hospital used staff, family to pose as patients

Benita Kolovos

The Victorian health department is investigating allegations staff and family members at a regional hospital posed as patients during a ministerial visit.

The Colac Herald was first to report allegations that Colac Area Health staged a full emergency department during a visit from the health minister, Mary-Anne Thomas, in August 2023.

The health department confirmed to Guardian Australia it was aware of the complaint and was investigating. It said in a statement:

We’re working closely with Colac Area Health on the matter and it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time.

Thomas was asked about the allegations during a press conference in Daylesford this morning and told reporters:

If these allegations prove to be true this is a very significant breach of trust that has been perpetrated by some in the health service, and I certainly would take a very dim view of any employees or others who have been involved in this.

She recalled that the emergency ward was busy during her visit but she had “no reason to be suspicious”. Thomas also ruled out any involvement from her office:

This has nothing whatsoever to do with my office and if anyone is suggesting that I take great offence.

I don’t need anyone to tell me that our hospitals are under pressure. I visit health services all the time. I see what’s happening on the ground.

Updated at 21.06 EST

Peter Hannam

Dwelling approvals slid in December, with units sagging by a quarter, ABS says

The cost of housing has been rising sharply, with rents still clocking up annual increases around 7.3% and purchase prices at or near records in much of the country.

Despite those soaring costs, we haven’t seen much of an uptick in supply. The latest ABS figures on dwelling approvals point to future supply sinking in fact.

Last month, total dwellings approved fell 9.5% to 13,085, compared with the 0.5% expected by economists. (November approvals were also revised lower to a 0.3% increase versus a 1.6% gain in the first data pass.)

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The trends are no friends for those hoping for an uptick in new housing approvals. (Source: @ABSStats )

&mdash; (@p_hannam) February 1, 2024

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Daniel Rossi, ABS’s head of construction statistics, said:

Approvals for private sector dwellings excluding houses drove the December decline, falling 25.3%.

In 2023, there were 59,174 private other dwellings approved, compared to 73,041 in 2022. This reflects a 19% annual fall.

Approvals in less volatile, private sector houses, fell 0.5% in December.

The prospect of falling borrowing costs later this year as inflation ebbs (see yesterday’s report) might encourage more business activity, including in the stretched housing market. Can’t come soon enough.

Two men charged with arson over Burgertory shop fire

Two men are facing arson charges over a burger shop fire in Melbourne, AAP reports.

The Caulfield shop of the Burgertory chain was destroyed by fire on 10 November 2023.

Police arrested two men yesterday before charging a 25-year-old man from Preston with arson, robbery, car theft and other offences today.

The man also faces charges over the alleged arson of a tobacco store fire in Bendigo on Monday which resulted in more than $4m worth of damage. According to police, the tobacco store fire is not related to the ongoing battle over illicit tobacco that has seen more than 30 shops firebombed.

He will appear in the Melbourne magistrates’ court today.

Police have also charged a second 27-year-old St Albans man with arson and car theft. He was released on bail pending his case at the Melbourne magistrates’ court on Friday.

Victoria police inspector Scott Dwyer said the Caulfield incident was not a hate crime. He said in a statement:

It wasn’t motivated by prejudice or politics.

Updated at 20.33 EST

Police investigate suspicious tobacco store fire in Victoria

Detectives are investigating a suspicious fire at a tobacco store in Bakery Hill, in the Victorian town of Ballarat this morning.

Victorian police are treating the fire as a targeted attack, and say they are looking at any possible links to other recent fires.

The incident occurred at a store on Little Bridge Street just before 4am today, police said in a statement.

Nobody was inside the building at the time, however the store sustained significant damage.

A burnt-out car was located on Boundary Road in Brown Hill just before 4am. Detectives are investigating whether it is linked to the tobacco store fire.

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😡 😡

Another day, another tobacco shop fire.

This time at the Ballarat Smoke Station on Little Bridge Street.

&mdash; 3AW Melbourne (@3AW693) January 31, 2024

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Updated at 20.17 EST

Calls for reform after release of political donations data

Sarah Basford Canales

The release of political donations data this morning showing the millions poured into the major political parties has renewed calls for major reform.

The Albanese government pledged to introduce spending and donation caps and truth in political advertising laws, as revealed by Guardian Australia after the 2022 election and confirmed by a parliamentary inquiry that reported in July.

The special minister of state, Don Farrell, confirmed in October he was still in discussions with all political parties to “try and get some consensus” about increasing transparency and accountability into the federal electoral system.

But the release of annual political returns this morning has prompted integrity champions to again push for change ahead of the next federal election, which is expected by mid-2025.

Greens Senator Larissa Waters says: ‘It’s time for Labor to come to the table and work with us to ensure politicians work in the public interest.’ Photograph: Mick Tsikas/AAP

Bill Browne, the Australia Institute’s democracy and accountability program director, said the release highlighted a lack of transparency and integrity in Australian politics.

We are learning today whether businesses made political donations 18 months ago. These lags and other loopholes make it difficult to see how politicians and political parties are being funded – and by whom…

Greens senator, Larissa Waters, who has previously warned the government against doing a “dirty deal” with the opposition against improved transparency, said there was still zero detail on how the Albanese government will deliver on its election promises.

Different government, same political donors running the show. Democracy is still for sale … The Greens have been campaigning for decades to clean up our democracy. It’s time for Labor to come to the table and work with us to ensure politicians work in the public interest, not the interest of their donor mates.

Updated at 20.12 EST

Peter Hannam

Wet January across much of Australia but longer view more mixed

As many a holiday maker can attest, January was quite wet in many parts of Australia.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s map of rainfall shows above-average rainfall was more typical than not last month.

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A relatively damp January for most of Australia…

&mdash; (@p_hannam) January 31, 2024

"}}” config=”{"renderingTarget":"Web","darkModeAvailable":false}”>

Over the past year, though, it’s clear that recent damper months haven’t made up for some significant rainfall deficits, compared with average conditions:

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Over the past year, it's a drier tale, especially in parts of the west and east (and much of Tasmania). Source: @Bom_au )

&mdash; (@p_hannam) February 1, 2024

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There’s a bit of a debate about whether the bureau got it wrong in its calls about an El Niño and, in particular, its impacts for rainfall. There’s also chatter about whether we might be back in La Niña conditions later this year.

In case you missed it, we had a look at those issues here yesterday:

Updated at 20.02 EST

Sarah Basford Canales

Data reveals billionaire Anthony Pratt donated $1m to Labor party

Let’s go back to this morning’s donations data for a moment, as we continue to sift through some of the top donors for the post-election year.

The Cormack Foundation, a Liberal-aligned funding body, was among the top donors with its donations to the party totalling $3.5m.

Anthony Pratt, an Australian billionaire who recently made headlines for alleged conversations with Donald Trump, donated a $1m sum to Labor through his company, Pratt Holdings. Interestingly, he did not do the same for the Liberal party, as he has in previous years.

The top donor for the Greens was from the David Walsh Estate, who offered two sums totalling $437,000.

Beyond the political parties, significant third parties also recorded raking in big sums.

Advance Australia, the conservative lobby group who played a key role in the no campaign during the voice referendum, doubled its receipts to $5.2m year on year.

Its biggest donor was a Perth-based company, Hadley Holdings, who handed over more than $1m to the group.

According to Advance’s Australia’s declaration, $4.5m was spent on electoral expenditure over the financial year, which included the months leading up to the referendum.

Teal-funding group, Climate 200, also reported receiving a total of $4.7m for 2022-23, spending $1.1m on electoral expenditure.

Updated at 20.00 EST

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