From 1h ago

University of Queensland warns protesters of disciplinary action

Adeshola Ore

The University of Queensland has warned pro-Palestine protesters they could face disciplinary action for chanting “out, out, Israel out” or displaying posters which read “intifada” at rallies.

The university last week signalled its aims for its pro-Palestine camps to end, amid a wave of encampments across the country.

In an email sent to encampments organisers on Friday, the university’s deputy vice-chancellor, Prof Kris Ryan, says the expression “intifada” – the Arabic word for uprising – could be considered threatening, intimidating or harassing to some people.

The email, viewed by Guardian Australia, also warns protesters against chanting the phrase “out, out, Israel out”:

The use of the words ‘out, out, Israel out’ at the protest yesterday in the context of harassing and intimidating behaviours, and the placement of anti-Semitic stickers on windows and students, go beyond the limits of free speech.

The email urges the protesters to take “appropriate action to address the unacceptable behaviours”, warning failure to do so could result in disciplinary action.

Protester Liam Parry, from the Students for Palestine University of Queensland group, described the move as “overreach”. The university’s tertiary education union branch has also passed a motion which opposes any action by the university to “limit non-violent protest” on campus.


Updated at 01.37 EDT

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The University of Queensland has warned pro-Palestine protesters they could face disciplinary action for chanting “out, out, Israel out” or displaying posters which read “intifada” at rallies.


The university last week signalled its aims for its pro-Palestine camps to end, amid a wave of encampments across the country.


In an email sent to encampments organisers on Friday, the university’s deputy vice-chancellor, Prof Kris Ryan, says the expression “intifada” – the Arabic word for uprising – could be considered threatening, intimidating or harassing to some people.


The email, viewed by Guardian Australia, also warns protesters against chanting the phrase “out, out, Israel out”:



The use of the words ‘out, out, Israel out’ at the protest yesterday in the context of harassing and intimidating behaviours, and the placement of anti-Semitic stickers on windows and students, go beyond the limits of free speech.



The email urges the protesters to take “appropriate action to address the unacceptable behaviours”, warning failure to do so could result in disciplinary action.


Protester Liam Parry, from the Students for Palestine University of Queensland group, described the move as “overreach”. The university’s tertiary education union branch has also passed a motion which opposes any action by the university to “limit non-violent protest” on campus.

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The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has responded to treasurer Jim Chalmers’ criticism that his plan to cut migration by 25% would cause billions of dollars of damage to the economy during a media conference in Queensland today.


Dutton has continued to link migration numbers to the housing crisis and accused Chalmers of “voodoo economics”. He said:



If the treasurer is saying that the economy can only function with migration numbers at an historic high, and that the price of that is people not being able to find a home, then I don’t sign up to Jim Chalmers’ form of voodoo economics.


Let’s be very clear about it. I believe very strongly that there is enormous economic growth in what we’ve proposed, because Australians are much wealthier if they’re able to buy their own home and see the price of that home appreciate over time.



There is scant evidence that cutting migration will alleviate the housing crisis, or lower house prices, but Dutton is on the scent for the election. So much so that when asked about the Coalition’s much mooted but still not released nuclear policy, Dutton said the “focus for now is on how we can help Australians get into housing”.


Dutton is in the electorate of Forde, which is sandwiched between the Gold Coast and Brisbane and is the definition of “outer suburban” – the areas we know that Dutton is seeking to appeal to.


The LNP already hold the seat and there are no signs of that electorate flipping, but it’s an area where Dutton’s messages will be heard loud and clear.

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The federal court’s Justice Melissa Perry has handed down a decision rejecting the existence of a duty of care by the Australian government to limit the length of time non-citizens spend in detention.


The applicant, Yasir Hassan, was brought to Australia from Papua New Guinea (PNG) for treatment of his mental health issues as one of a cohort of “medevac” evacuees.


Justice Perry found there was “no duty of care known to the common law of Australia” and to find one would “create incoherence with the operative provisions of the Migration Act” which requires the government to detain people pending removal.


Even if a duty of care as alleged was owed the applicant had not established it was breached, despite the fact no steps were taken to remove him between January 2020 and February 2021. Justice Perry said:



I do not seek to deny or underplay the personal impact upon the applicant of spending over 500 days in immigration detention at (primarily) the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation (MITA), Avon compound. The applicant has clearly endured a terrible ordeal which it is right to acknowledge. This is all the more so where the applicant has not committed any crime, was brought to Australia only for the temporary purpose of receiving medical treatment, and had mental health issues throughout the duration of his detention.


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The electoral commission says it is expecting deepfake videos and voice “clones” to feature in election misinformation at coming Australian polls.


In the Senate hearing on AI today, the independent senator David Pocock asked about how likely it was that Australian elections would experience AI-generated misinformation. He noted there had been voice “clones” of US president Joe Biden in robocalls during the current election cycle, developed by AI technology.


The AEC’s commissioner, Tom Rogers, said such technology was becoming more accessible and widespread.



I can’t give you a prediction about whether it will be used … but we’re seeing increased use of those sorts of tactics in elections around the world. I don’t think we’re going to be immune to that. So we could expect things like that to occur at the next election.



Rogers said that some examples of voice cloned robocalls may not be illegal under current electoral legislation, while some examples would be. He said the AEC’s “electoral toolkit is very constrained with what we can deal with and not deal with.”


Rogers did not agree with a suggestion from Pocock that AI content should be outlawed entirely in election cycles, saying he expected some smaller parties especially may use AI content – in a way that is “entirely lawful”.

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Making his own statements as part of his questioning, Pocock raised strong concerns about the use of AI content in elections, and said he hoped the parliament would take stronger action on AI-generated content before the next election – due within the year.


Rogers said AI was “improving the quality of disinformation to make it more undetectable”.



It’s also going to spread that far more quickly through multiple channels. These are things that are complex and difficult for us to work with at the moment.



Rogers and Greens senator David Shoebridge engaged in a discussion about the powers the AEC has, and whether it should have more.


Rogers said there was an “urgent need” for increased digital literacy among Australian citizens.

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The deputy Liberal leader, Sussan Ley, says Australian radio stations should ban the music of American rapper Sean Combs (aka Diddy) after video was published of him beating his former girlfriend in a hotel in 2016.


Combs admitted in a video apology that he punched and kicked his ex-girlfriend Cassandra Ventura after CNN released footage of the attack, saying he was “truly sorry” and his actions were “inexcusable”.

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Ley issued a media statement today, calling the video and incident “disturbing”.



While these are American celebrities, we cannot forget that the woman at the centre of this matter is a real person who has suffered severe domestic violence.


While this matter is occurring in the United States the vision that is circulating on media and online will deeply affect many thousands of Australian women who will be reliving their own traumatic experiences once again today. This is a reminder that domestic violence is a global scourge, and my thoughts are with all victim survivors who will be hurting.


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Ley said Australians “have an opportunity to take action on this issue. We can call out this unacceptable violence”:



I am asking Australians businesses to reconsider any activities they may be taking that may be financially benefiting Mr Combs. This should see Australian media companies including radio stations take any of his music off their channels today.


Everyone has a role to play in calling out domestic violence. Australia should send a clear message on this matter.



Ley’s statement included referrals to emergency phone lines including Lifeline (13 11 14), 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) and triple-zero emergency services, as well as the men’s referral service on 1300 766 491.

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Peter Thurtell was asked about reports from overnight that a man and his son were found dead in East Lismore overnight (see earlier blog post).


He said “a more tragic event you wouldn’t come across”, and said the matter is being investigated as a murder-suicide.


Thurtell said the man was known to police “for previous DV matters but not significant issues”. He couldn’t comment on where the mother was, but is aware she lived in the community.



My understanding is that the male had an access visit on the day… My understanding is that the mother raised concerns with the fact that they were due to hand over the child at 4.30 and by 5.30 she had contacted the police, and we went around to the residence and made the discovery.


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The Australian Electoral Commission says it doesn’t have the tools to detect and deal with AI-generated misinformation around elections, telling a Senate committee about overseas examples of “deceptive content” about polls.


The Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) is holding a hearing today, with numerous academics and expert witnesses appearing. The AEC is up at the moment, with the commission, Tom Rogers, noting the new technology had “amazing productivity benefits” but said there was a “dilemma” around balancing freedom of expression against democratic processes and not confusing voters.


Rogers, in his opening statement, said there had been “widespread examples” in recent elections – in Pakistan, the United States, Indonesia and India – about deceptive content generated by AI, and raised concerns about such examples being replicated in Australia.



The AEC does not possess the legislative tools or internal technical capability to deter, detect or then adequately deal with false AI generated content concerning the election process – such as content that covers where to vote, how to cast a formal vote, and why the electoral process may not be secure or trustworthy.



He also noted warnings overseas that certain nation states may be using AI generated content to confuse voters.


The federal government is currently undertaking consultation on a new code around the use of AI, including AI generated content. That process is investigating the potential of mandatory “watermarks” on AI generated content, to note that it is computer generated. Rogers said he would support mandatory watermarking of electoral content generated by AI, as well as raising a national digital literacy campaign, stronger codes for the social media and tech platforms and even a code of conduct for political parties to agree to be lawful in campaigns.


Rogers said there would be a benefit to mandatory disclosures that a piece of content was watermarked as being AI generated – saying it would make it easier for AEC to consider content around elections. He said not all AI generated content was “bad”, and that much would be lawful, but that citizens should be able to know if content was AI generated.



Credentialing or watermarking is something that helps prove what’s true.


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The University of Melbourne has issued a loudspeaker announcement to pro-Palestine protesters camped within a department building, warning they are trespassing if they do not leave campus ground and could face police action.


A group of student activists have been camped within the university’s Arts West Building since Wednesday afternoon, calling for the university to disclose and divest its ties to weapon manufacturers linked to Israel.


In a video posted to social media, a loudspeaker announcement played this morning says an inspection of the Arts West building has found it is “unfit for occupation” due to building damage and obstruction to emergency exits and firefighting equipment:



The university directs all persons occupying the Arts West building to leave the university grounds and to remove all personal property from the building. Any person who contravenes this direction will be trespassing on university grounds and may be referred to Victoria police.



Posters displayed on university buildings also warn that students who fail to comply with the order could result in expulsion.


The student protesters have rejected claims by the university that they have damaged the building and say the sit-in is a peaceful protest.

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The Star has announced it will temporarily pause trading “pending a further announcement”. This comes as it has responded to media speculation it is close to a takeover.


In a statement, The Star confirmed it has received interest from a number of external parties regarding potential transactions but the nature has been “unsolicited, preliminary and non-binding” so far.



At this stage, none of the approaches has resulted in substantive discussions.



In a separate statement, The Star said it had not received a proposal directly from Hard Rock Hotels and Casinos but from a consortium of investors, which included the entity Hard Rock Hotels &amp; Resorts “which The Star understands is a local partner of Hard Rock”.

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The Queensland coroner has found that the cause of Sharron Phillips’s mysterious disappearance in 1986 is “undetermined”.


Phillips’ surviving family did not attend court to hear coroner Terry Ryan read out his findings this morning.


Ryan found that her manner of death remained “unknown” but that it was “suspicious”.


It was “caused by a person or persons whose identity cannot be established,” he said.


He said open finding was due to the lack of credibility of a key witness.

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The family of Sharron Phillips may finally learn how their daughter died, as a fresh inquest into her death hands down its findings today.


The 20-year-old vanished on 8 May, 1986 after her car ran out of petrol late at night. The vehicle was later fond parked on Ipswich road at Wacol, in Brisbane.


State coroner Terry Ryan will hand down the findings of a fresh inquest this morning. A 1988 inquest found there was insufficient evidence for anyone to be charged with her murder.


The inquest was reopened after a 2016 tipoff, which led police to excavate industrial land at Carole Park. There is a $250,000 police reward offered for information which leads to the conviction of the person or people responsible for her suspected murder.


The coroner is required to investigate whether Philips is in fact dead, how, when and where that occurred and what caused her death, and whether the actions or omission of any person caused her disappearance.

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The NSW police minister, Yasmin Catley, was on ABC News Breakfast earlier to discuss the state’s four-day domestic violence blitz.


She said it was the sixth operation in 18 months, with “thousands of arrests” in that time.



[The operations] are scheduled about every quarter, so police have been doing this for quite some time. NSW police [utilise] the DV registry, where they accumulate information about [alleged] high-risk offenders and it’s that intelligence that they use to then go out and undertake these operations.



Catley was also asked about changes to the state’s bail laws which are before parliament:



We will debate it when we return. I would really urge the opposition to get behind it and support those bail laws that we have before the parliament.


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The NSW government has announced an emergency summit on social media. The deputy premier, Prue Car, was speaking about this on 7’s Sunrise earlier this morning, and said:



Everything is on the table. We are all worried about this, I’m a parent as well myself. Social media companies are not doing enough and we need to seriously look if we need to change the law in order to keep your young people safe.



Car said it was “really realistic” to look at age verification in terms of “limiting our children’s interaction with social media”.



We need to get all the experts in one place. The premier [Chris Minns] has called this emergency summit. We are just seeing too many cases where the worst possible thing has occurred because of bullying online. We banned phones in schools in NSW and that has worked an enormous amount in the school day inside the school gates, but we need to look beyond that now.



The South Australian government is considering banning kids under 14 from having social media accounts; asked if NSW would consider this, Car said “it is going to be on the table” at the summit.

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New South Wales police have charged more than 550 people during a four-day operation targeting alleged domestic and family violence offenders.


Operation Amarok ran from Wednesday to Saturday last week and saw a total of 1070 charges laid among 554 arrested, with police from every district across the state involved.


226 of those arrested were wanted by police for serious domestic violence offences, police said. The police and counter-terrorism minister, Yasmin Catley, said:



These results show how seriously the NSW police force take domestic and family violence.



NSW police executive sponsor for domestic and family violence, deputy commissioner Peter Thurtell, said:



We saw significant arrest numbers in our regional communities, and we also saw arrests for offences that occurred allegedly while the offender was in jail.


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A crime scene has been established after the bodies of a man and his two-year-old son were found in a Far North Coast home overnight.


NSW police said officers attended a unit in East Lismore about 9.45pm overnight due to concerns for the welfare of a man and his son.


Police forced entry into the unit and found the bodies of a 38-year-old man and a two-year-old boy.


A crime scene has been established overnight and inquiries into the deaths are now under way. Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers.

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A man who allegedly stabbed a police officer in the head in Sydney’s CBD has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent to murder, AAP reports.


Constable Elvis Poa, 35, remains in a stable condition in hospital after being stabbed near Hyde Park by a man who allegedly demanded that officers shoot him. You can read all the background on this below:

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Poa was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics for two wounds to his head and was taken to St Vincent’s hospital where scans revealed he suffered two skull fractures. He remains in a stable condition, police said in a statement early today.


The 34-year-old man was arrested and taken to Royal Prince Alfred hospital under police guard, for assessment. He has since been discharged from hospital and charged with cause wounding/grievous bodily harm to person with intent to murder.


He was refused bail to appear before Downing Centre local court today.

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Good morning, and welcome back to a new week on the Australia news live blog. I’m Emily Wind and I’ll be taking you through our rolling coverage this Monday.


New South Wales police have charged more than 550 people during a four-day operation, targeting alleged domestic and family violence offenders. Operation Amarok ran from Wednesday to Saturday last week and saw a total of 1,070 charges laid, with police from every district across the state involved.


Meanwhile, the bodies of a man and his son were found in a home in the far north coast of NSW overnight. Officers attended a home in East Lismore yesterday due to welfare concerns, where they found the bodies of a 38-year-old man and a two-year-old boy.


More to come shortly on both of these stories.


See something that needs attention on the blog? You can get in touch via X, @emilywindwrites, or send me an email:


Let’s get started.

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Key events

Filters BETA

Australia ‘standing by’ to airlift nationals from New Caledonia

The defence minister, Richard Marles, has said that Australia is “standing by” to airlift the 300 Australians currently in New Caledonia.

Amid rising tensions in the Pacific territory, Marles said his government is engaging with French officials and are “monitoring the situation very closely.”

We are standing by and ready to engage in airlift if it is necessary, but again, the starting point here is speaking closely with the French authorities about their work and what is happening on the ground. And we need to be obviously clear with the French authorities about how they are progressing in terms of managing law and order within Noumea and if there is any need for any kind of airlift from Australia and at this point that is an ongoing conversation.


Updated at 02.22 EDT

State premiers propose raising age minimums for social media platforms

Millions of Australian children could be barred from using social media platforms under changes put forward by state premiers who want better protection of minors from online harm, AAP reports.

The leaders of NSW, Queensland and Victoria united on Monday in a push to lift age minimums on major platforms such as TikTok and the Meta-owned Facebook and Instagram.

All of the platforms require users to be at least 13 years old, but that limit could be lifted to as high as 16 under a proposal from NSW.

State leaders concede they might not have the power to legislate controls on the platforms, with several calling for a national regime.

South Australia is investigating if it can impose social media bans for children under 14 and parental permission for those under 16.

Those changes would be a national first and follow legislated restrictions on children using social media accounts in nations such as Spain, as well as some US states.

The NSW premier, Chris Minns, said he wanted a minimum age of 16 for social media users, while Queensland counterpart Steven Miles nominated 14.

Victoria premier Jacinta Allan did not specify a minimum age but called for the platforms’ limits to be raised or for Australia to set its own limits.

Minns said he was moved to act after seeing social media’s impact and his experience as a father of three boys.

“Obnoxious” social-media algorithms were “designed to keep children glued to the device rather than ripping it away and speaking with family and friends and getting out of the house”, he said.

The federal Labor government has indicated it supports tighter restrictions on children accessing social media, which the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, has identified as a national issue.

The health minister, Mark Butler, said a potential age limit was still being worked out while a verification trial was completed using funding allocated in the recent budget.

“We’ve got to get the age right and we’ve got to get the technological implementation right,” he said.

The NSW government on Monday also announced a state summit to look at the impact of social media platforms on young people involving policymakers, academics and company representatives.


Updated at 02.10 EDT

Caitlin Cassidy

University of Sydney underpays casual staff $70m

The University of Sydney has underpaid casual staff an estimated $70.1m, its latest annual report released today shows.

The annual report included an update on the university’s Employment Payment Review, which remained ongoing but has estimated the underpayment based on work taken by casual academic staff across a period of 13 semesters.

The main quadrangle building of the University of Sydney. Photograph: jimfeng/Getty Images/iStockphoto

The vice-chancellor, Prof Mark Scott, said paying staff correctly and remediating any historical underpayments was the university’s “absolute priority”, adding it remained in regular contact with the Fair Work Ombudsman since its initial self-disclosure in 2020.

We deeply regret any underpayments that have occurred and are committed to ensuring all staff are paid according to our enterprise agreement.

The annual report also showed the university recorded a surplus of $351.8m in 2023, in excess of $298.5m in 2022. Its underlying loss was $9.4m, compared with an underlying margin of $216.6m the previous year.

Scott, said the financial environment in which universities operated remained “challenging”.

There are ongoing uncertainties ahead. At Sydney, we are fortunate to have been able to build a solid future fund to support our research and education, and our staff and students. This is largely thanks to strong investment returns, as well as the generosity of our donors and our international students continuing to want to study with us.


Updated at 02.01 EDT

Opposition says its not ‘good economic policy’ to ‘reply solely’ on migration

The opposition environment spokesperson, Jonathon Duniam, has claimed on Sky News that reducing migration was necessary to address the housing crisis.

He said it wasn’t “good economic policy” to “rely solely” on migration to generate economic activity, and couldn’t expand on how and where exactly migration should be cut.

I don’t think it is a good economic policy to rely solely on high immigration numbers as a means of generating economic activity.

The environment minister could well bring forward laws that make it easier to do business in this country to get more projects off the ground more quickly to provide more jobs and more economic activity.

The by-product of our high immigration numbers, people coming to this country permanently, is that houses are less affordable and less attainable for Australians and we’ve got to put Australians first here.


Updated at 01.38 EDT

University of Queensland warns protesters of disciplinary action

Adeshola Ore

The University of Queensland has warned pro-Palestine protesters they could face disciplinary action for chanting “out, out, Israel out” or displaying posters which read “intifada” at rallies.

The university last week signalled its aims for its pro-Palestine camps to end, amid a wave of encampments across the country.

In an email sent to encampments organisers on Friday, the university’s deputy vice-chancellor, Prof Kris Ryan, says the expression “intifada” – the Arabic word for uprising – could be considered threatening, intimidating or harassing to some people.

The email, viewed by Guardian Australia, also warns protesters against chanting the phrase “out, out, Israel out”:

The use of the words ‘out, out, Israel out’ at the protest yesterday in the context of harassing and intimidating behaviours, and the placement of anti-Semitic stickers on windows and students, go beyond the limits of free speech.

The email urges the protesters to take “appropriate action to address the unacceptable behaviours”, warning failure to do so could result in disciplinary action.

Protester Liam Parry, from the Students for Palestine University of Queensland group, described the move as “overreach”. The university’s tertiary education union branch has also passed a motion which opposes any action by the university to “limit non-violent protest” on campus.


Updated at 01.37 EDT

Good afternoon, Mostafa Rachwani with you for the rest of the day.

Emily Wind

Many thanks for joining me on the blog today, Mostafa Rachwani will be here to take you through the rest of our rolling coverage. Take care!

Australians stranded in New Caledonia amid unrest

More than 300 Australians are stranded in New Caledonia amid deadly unrest, and are anxiously waiting on French authorities to allow air travel out of the territory.

Earlier today the PM said the situation was “really concerning” and that the ADF is “certainly ready to fly, pending commercial flights resuming.”

You can now read the full story on the situation from Ben Doherty and Eva Corlett:


Updated at 24.56 EDT

One-in-five drink drivers in Victoria caught during day, police say

One-in-five people caught driving under the influence of alcohol on Victorian roads are nabbed during the day, AAP reports, as police crack down on the state’s dangerous habits.

Police figures show about 1,200 of almost 4,900 drink-drivers were nabbed between 6am and 6pm in the last financial year. More than 400 were caught between 6am and noon.

The state’s assistant commissioner, Glenn Weir, said the figures were worrying, as people traditionally believed drink-driving mainly occurred in the late afternoon or evening:

It’s really concerning because those times of day are when there are lots of people on the roads. Lots of pedestrians on the road and generally vulnerable road users like schoolchildren coming to and from school.

Weir said there wasn’t any current research into the reason, but an increase in working from home could be something to explore.

Assistant commissioner Glenn Weir. Photograph: Diego Fedele/AAP

Updated at 24.48 EDT

Josh Taylor

Optus says need to keep government informed during cyber attack was ‘a challenge’

Optus has told the federal government that during its cyber attack in 2022, needing to keep the government updated in its response was “a challenge” while also dealing with the fallout from the attack.

The company said in a submission to the federal government’s cyber security framework, published on Friday, that:

While this information is just as important as the incident response itself, it is not as time-critical. Optus therefore suggests that the implementation of several measures be guided by a clear principle: separating the operational response to an incident from the regulatory response. In doing so, this separation should occur in both reporting timeframes and information-sharing protocols.

Ausgrid – the main energy provider in New South Wales – revealed that if its systems were compromised that in the worst-case scenario, it would cost the economy up to $120m per hour, or $2.9bn per day.

We supply energy to 105 hospitals, Australia’s only radiopharmaceuticals production facility, 4 of the world‘s top 200 ranking universities, 3 major ports and 37% of Australia’s financial services industry. This means that a cyber attack on our network, even for a few hours, would severely disrupt lives and livelihoods.

Photograph: David Gray/Reuters

The Insurance Council of Australia also called on the government to be more responsive when businesses share information about cybersecurity issues:

The government should show industry that in any act of sharing, information will flow both ways. The Insurance Council understand that often information is provided to the Australian Cyber Security Centre by business to no response. This is disconcerting and disincentivising for firms and should be reviewed.


Updated at 24.07 EDT

Dutton accuses Chalmers of ‘voodoo economics’ amid migration, housing debate

Amy Remeikis

The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has responded to treasurer Jim Chalmers’ criticism that his plan to cut migration by 25% would cause billions of dollars of damage to the economy during a media conference in Queensland today.

Dutton has continued to link migration numbers to the housing crisis and accused Chalmers of “voodoo economics”. He said:

If the treasurer is saying that the economy can only function with migration numbers at an historic high, and that the price of that is people not being able to find a home, then I don’t sign up to Jim Chalmers’ form of voodoo economics.

Let’s be very clear about it. I believe very strongly that there is enormous economic growth in what we’ve proposed, because Australians are much wealthier if they’re able to buy their own home and see the price of that home appreciate over time.

There is scant evidence that cutting migration will alleviate the housing crisis, or lower house prices, but Dutton is on the scent for the election. So much so that when asked about the Coalition’s much mooted but still not released nuclear policy, Dutton said the “focus for now is on how we can help Australians get into housing”.

Dutton is in the electorate of Forde, which is sandwiched between the Gold Coast and Brisbane and is the definition of “outer suburban” – the areas we know that Dutton is seeking to appeal to.

The LNP already hold the seat and there are no signs of that electorate flipping, but it’s an area where Dutton’s messages will be heard loud and clear.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton last week. Photograph: Mike Bowers/The Guardian

Updated at 01.10 EDT

No duty of care despite ‘terrible ordeal’ in immigration detention: court

Paul Karp

The federal court’s Justice Melissa Perry has handed down a decision rejecting the existence of a duty of care by the Australian government to limit the length of time non-citizens spend in detention.

The applicant, Yasir Hassan, was brought to Australia from Papua New Guinea (PNG) for treatment of his mental health issues as one of a cohort of “medevac” evacuees.

Justice Perry found there was “no duty of care known to the common law of Australia” and to find one would “create incoherence with the operative provisions of the Migration Act” which requires the government to detain people pending removal.

Even if a duty of care as alleged was owed the applicant had not established it was breached, despite the fact no steps were taken to remove him between January 2020 and February 2021. Justice Perry said:

I do not seek to deny or underplay the personal impact upon the applicant of spending over 500 days in immigration detention at (primarily) the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation (MITA), Avon compound. The applicant has clearly endured a terrible ordeal which it is right to acknowledge. This is all the more so where the applicant has not committed any crime, was brought to Australia only for the temporary purpose of receiving medical treatment, and had mental health issues throughout the duration of his detention.


Updated at 24.04 EDT

Sarah Basford Canales

Asio director general says ‘general conversations’ have occured about restricting travel to new areas

The Australian security and intelligence organisation’s (Asio’s) director general, Mike Burgess, says “general conversations” have occurred around proscribing new regions deemed illegal for Australians to travel to.

Burgess is before a parliamentary inquiry into a bill that would extend laws making it illegal to travel to certain war-torn or high terrorist activity areas for another three years.

While some areas of Syria and Iraq were previously listed as declared areas, there are currently no areas listed.

Liberal National party MP and committee deputy chair, Andrew Wallace, asks whether he is aware of any consideration to list Gaza or southern Lebanon as a declared area. Burgess responds:

Good question. I will take that on notice as I can actually. In my mind, I’m aware of general conversations, not detailed, and we haven’t been asked for formal advice on any particular areas that we might consider worthy but I get your point around southern Lebanon and what might be happening there. But I’m not aware of any detailed conversations but let me take that on notice for you.

Director-general of the Asio, Mike Burgess. Photograph: Mike Bowers/The Guardian

Burgess is supportive of extending the law to 2027 before it sunsets later this year, saying it’s an important “toolkit” in Australia’s response to future terrorist threats.

If we look at our security environment and what’s happening globally, we continue to keep a close eye on developments in Afghanistan … in the Middle East and Africa, and we could well see the need to have the government call on this [law] in terms of our toolkit to respond to the terrorist threat in the future. It’s a very real possibility.


Updated at 23.55 EDT

Sarah Basford Canales

Back to the Senate committee examining travel restrictions on parts of Iraq and Syria

The Australian federal police and the Australian Security And Intelligence Organisation (Asio) are now appearing at an inquiry into a bill that would extend laws making it illegal to travel to certain war-torn or areas subject to high terrorist activity for another three years.

Stephen Nutt, the AFP’s acting assistant commissioner, said around 230 Australians had travelled to Syria or Iraq since 2012 to “fight with or support” terrorism groups in his opening statement. Of those 230 people, Nutt said around 120 are believed to have died, 55 women and men have returned to Australia and around 60 are still living in Syria or in the region. He said:

The AFP remains concerned that individuals who have traveled to a declared area and, or engaged in terrorist activity or supported terrorist groups, can present a threat to Australia both whilst overseas and in the event they return to Australia. Foreign terrorist fighters may have enhanced any harmful capabilities, skills, expertise and knowledge as well as potential ideology and motivations to facilitate acts of terrorism or related harms in Australia.


Updated at 23.40 EDT

NSW, Queensland and Victoria unite in push to lift to age minimums on social media

The premiers of NSW, Queensland and Victoria have united today in a push to lift age minimums on social media platforms such as the Meta-owned Facebook and Instagram, plus TikTok, AAP reports.

All of the platforms require users to be at least 13 years old, but that limit could be lifted to as high as 16 under a proposal from NSW.

South Australia previously announced it is investigating if it can impose social-media bans for children aged under 14 and parental permission for those aged under 16.

The NSW premier, Chris Minns, said he wanted a minimum age of 16 for social media users (see earlier post), while his Queensland counterpart, Steven Miles, nominated 14 as the floor.

Victoria’s premier, Jacinta Allan, did not specify a minimum age but called for the platforms’ limits to be raised or for Australia to set its own limits.

Victorian premier Jacinta Allan. Photograph: Mike Bowers/The Guardian

Updated at 23.29 EDT

Man charged after allegedly misusing WA health system funds to mine crypto

A man working for the Western Australian health system has been charged after allegedly misusing its funds.

According to a statement from WA police, it is alleged the 43-year-old man – who was an employee within WA Health at the time – made a number of purchases for computer components between December 2021 and December 2022, to the value of $32,772.

The computer components were used in personal computers to mine cryptocurrency and not for work-related purposes, the statement from police alleges.

The accused registered a medical equipment and repairs company in March 2022 while still employed with the North Metropolitan Health Service. Between then and July 2023, while purporting to be an employee of the company, the man allegedly invoiced the health service on 31 occasions for parts and services, none of which were ever supplied.

The total value of the parts and services were $281,259.

On 1 May this year detectives executed a search warrants at an address in Kewdale and took the man into custody. He has since been charged with 52 counts of “Public Officer Acts Corruptly in Performance/Discharge of Functions”.

He is due to appear before the Perth magistrates court on 27 May.

WA police tape. Photograph: Aaron Bunch/AAP

Updated at 23.22 EDT

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