From 48m ago

Penny Wong to Israel: ‘This cannot continue’

Daniel Hurst

The foreign minister, Penny Wong, has condemned the “death and destruction” in Rafah as “horrific” and says her message to the Israeli government is: “This cannot continue.”

Wong is representing the government at a Senate estimates hearing this afternoon focused on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

In an opening statement, Wong alludes to the incident in which an Israeli airstrike caused a huge blaze at a tented area for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, southern Gaza, with medics putting the death toll at 45 people.

Wong said:

You may recall that the prime minister and I have both said, in relation to Rafah, that our message to the Netanyahu government [is]: do not go down this path.

The international community has been as one on this.

What we have seen in the past 24 hours reinforces why we and the international community issued this warning.

The death and destruction in Rafah is horrific. This human suffering is unacceptable.

We reiterate to the government of Israel: this cannot continue.

We must see an immediate humanitarian ceasefire so civilians can be protected and Australia continues to support the work of the United States, Qatar and Egypt to that end.

We continue to call for the release of all hostages by Hamas and for Israel to allow aid to flow at scale, as directed by the international court of justice.


Updated at 02.48 EDT

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It may well be one of the shortest motions the Greens have ever proposed, but Adam Bandt has given notice of this plan to put Palestinian statehood to a vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow.


He will move that “This House recognise the State of Palestine”.


The Greens argue that these seven words would acknowledge the House of Representatives’ stance on the matter. The party said in a statement:



No further or more complicated process is required for Australia to join 143 other nations in recognition.



Bandt, the leader of the Greens, urged Labor to make good on “an election promise to support Palestinian statehood”.


(Quick analysis: The party platform certainly called on Labor in government “to recognise Palestine as a state” and said this should be “an important priority” – but it did give cabinet ministers a level of flexibility because it did not set an actual deadline for that step to be taken.)


Bandt said the Labor government should go beyond “hand-wringing statements” and take meaningful steps:



Recognition alone won’t stop the invasion or end the occupation, but it will be a big step towards ensuring that Palestinians have the same rights as Israelis to live in peace and security with full rights under international law.



A government spokesperson said earlier today that Bandt’s attempt amounted to “a procedural motion” that would result in “not dealing with the parliament’s agenda”.

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The foreign minister, Penny Wong, has condemned the “death and destruction” in Rafah as “horrific” and says her message to the Israeli government is: “This cannot continue.”


Wong is representing the government at a Senate estimates hearing this afternoon focused on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.


In an opening statement, Wong alludes to the incident in which an Israeli airstrike caused a huge blaze at a tented area for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, southern Gaza, with medics putting the death toll at 45 people.


Wong said:



You may recall that the prime minister and I have both said, in relation to Rafah, that our message to the Netanyahu government [is]: do not go down this path.


The international community has been as one on this.


What we have seen in the past 24 hours reinforces why we and the international community issued this warning.


The death and destruction in Rafah is horrific. This human suffering is unacceptable.


We reiterate to the government of Israel: this cannot continue.


We must see an immediate humanitarian ceasefire so civilians can be protected and Australia continues to support the work of the United States, Qatar and Egypt to that end.


We continue to call for the release of all hostages by Hamas and for Israel to allow aid to flow at scale, as directed by the international court of justice.


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As expected, Peter Dutton opens up with a question for Andrew Giles:



An immigration detainee referred to as CHCY had his visa cancelled after he was convicted of raping his 14-year-old stepdaughter while his wife was in hospital giving birth. The Albanese government’s watering down of the law has allowed this criminal to stay in Australia, making our country less safe. When will the Albanese Labor government apologise for this catastrophic mistake and reverse direction 99?



For some context, here is what Paul Karp has previously reported on this case:


In one case, a New Zealand-born man – referred to as CHCY – was given his visa back in March despite being found guilty of nine counts of indecent treatment of a child under 16 and two counts of rape in relation to his stepdaughter.


The AAT “found that CHCY’s strength, nature and duration of ties to Australia as a primary consideration, weighs in favour of revocation of his visa cancellation as he has lived here for 21 years”.


The tribunal said CHCY had “violated the expectation that he be a law-abiding citizen” and would ordinarily lose his visa, but restored it due to his “particular circumstances and those of the victim”. The government believes this indicates the fact the victim had moved to New Zealand was the decisive factor, not the new rules.

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Andrew Giles says:



Our thoughts are, of course, with the victims in this case. In saying that, of course, community safety remains our highest priority as a government. I remind the leader of the opposition and all members that this was a visa that was cancelled and remains cancelled by my department, in line with the ministerial direction 99.


Now, I believe it is a decision that should still be cancelled and I advise the House also that I have prioritised a number of cases for urgent cancellation consideration.


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The attorney general, Mark Dreyfus, met with his shadow counterpart, Michaelia Cash, to discuss the religious discrimination bill today. Labor has said that it wants bipartisan support for the bill, while the Coalition wants it released publicly.


Accounts of the meeting are highly disputed, with both sides accusing the other of aggressive behaviour including raised voices – which both deny.


Cash said:



I was appalled by Mr Dreyfus’s behaviour. Mr Dreyfus needs to stop playing games with his religious discrimination legislation. As I told Mr Dreyfus he needs to take on board the feedback he has received from the faith communities and release his legislation publicly.



Labor is considering whether and how to respond but, from its perspective, Cash was spoiling for a fight to blame the government for a breakdown in negotiations.


We can’t say with certainty what happened in the room, but we can definitively say no progress was made with the opposition to pass the bill.

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Dr Christos Christou says he and MSF staff are exhausted and the message – that medical aid and the ability to transfer patients outside of Gaza for treatment is desperately needed – is not getting through:



Nothing changes, that is why sometimes we feel like it is not for us any more. That is why we address these [forums].


Our people are exhausted. I have crossed the line. You can imagine eight months, working days and nights, witnessing all this, members of their families. Not being safe anywhere. I think we still try to find the words, we cannot find them. We tried to collect the evidence. It is not for us any more.


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It’s been a relatively uneventful start to transport and infrastructure Senate estimates on Tuesday.


With public servants so far answering questions related to corporate matters of infrastructure, transport and regional development administration, the topic of the department secretary Jim Betts’ preference for statement T-shirts over corporate attire has again come to the fore.


The Nationals senator Bridget McKenzie, who like her fellow Coalition senators has become known for pushing Betts with pointed questions and criticism of a reliance on answering questions on notice during previous estimates hearings, took a lighter tone on Tuesday.


McKenzie asked: “I hope you didn’t think because I hadn’t mentioned this in the first hour that I haven’t been watching your T-shirt efforts over time. Have you changed your mind since last estimates, are you now a fan of Taylor Swift,” she said, referencing her line of questioning from the previous estimates hearing inquiring if departmental staff had scheduled work travel that coincided with the pop star’s concerts dates.



I feel like I’m living rent-free in your head, but at the supply and logistics conference last week I was told when I got there in the afternoon that you indeed had taken the time to.


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Betts interrupted: “Yep, exactly, so I was wearing a Taylor Swift T-shirt last week at a freight and logistics conference, thank you for asking.”


McKenzie queried: “Why did you choose Taytay?”


Betts responded: “It was a gift from one of my staff and I also thought you might enjoy it because I knew you were speaking later on in the agenda and it might come up at Senate estimates.”


McKenzie: “Well I did, I did, so I thought that was very sweet of you.”


Betts: “It’s the least I could do if you’re living rent-free in my head.”

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Anthony Albanese has told Labor MPs that cabinet’s work is now concentrating on “crafting the offer for a second term”, as ministers get out and sell the budget’s key measures to voters.


“Crafting the offer” is political campaign jargon, which means cabinet is focused on its plan to win the next election.


Albanese reminded his colleagues that the government was now in the final 12 months of its first term and repeated his post-budget message he cost-of-living measures in the budget included “a tax cut for every taxpayer, an energy rebate for every Australian, benefits for students and a future made in Australia”.


He described Peter Dutton’s budget reply speech as having “no costings, no media release – just chaos and confusion”.

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The ABC has dismissed claims by News Corp that the ABC Board held “emergency talks over Laura Tingle outburst”.


The chief political correspondent for nightly current affairs program 7.30 and the staff-elected director on the ABC Board, Tingle made some comments at the Sydney Writers’ Festival on the weekend which have been seized upon by The Australian.


The ABC denial comes after a front page story in the Australian claimed the board had emergency discussions over “Tingle’s claims that Australia is racist and Peter Dutton is encouraging the abuse of migrants”.


A spokesperson for the ABC told Guardian Australia.



Reports of an emergency ABC Board meeting are incorrect and baseless.


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The Victorian premier, Jacinta Allan, has just announced some changes to her outer ministry, including the introduction of a parliamentary secretary for “men’s behaviour change”.


Allan says Mordialloc MP Tim Richardson will take on the role – the “first position of its kind in Australia”.


He will “focus largely on the influence the internet and social media have on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women and building respectful relationships”, she says.


Allan has also replaced Darren Cheeseman – who was booted from the parliamentary Labor party last month over “allegations of persistent inappropriate behaviour” as secretary for education with Albert Park MP Nina Taylor.


Josh Bull, the MP for Sunbury, will become parliamentary secretary for infrastructure delivery – supporting both transport and health infrastructure ministers, while upper house MP Sheena Watt will become parliamentary secretary for emergency services.

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The coordinator general of the National Emergency Management Agency, Brendan Moon, has stressed the need to prepare for the next high-risk weather season.


He told Senate estimates:



The 23-24 high risk weather season again tested the resilience of many Australian communities. Tropical cyclones, record-breaking rainfall, heatwaves, bushfires as well as rapid onset severe storms, yet again, again, challenged the capabilities and capacities of our systems and also our people …


With a warmer than normal winter forecast and with a La Niña watch, we shall continue to prepare for the next high risk weather season.


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Student protestors at the Australian National University have relocated their pro-Palestine camp, after a request from the university.


Students have been protesting for four weeks at the Kambri lawns but have moved to the end of University Avenue, after voting “overwhelmingly” for the decision last night.


A statement from organisers said:



Let us be clear: our goal has never been to occupy Kambri Lawns. Our goal has always been to, and continues to be, to ensure our ANU degrees are no longer contributing to genocide. Our goal is for the ANU to disclose and divest. No location change, no intimidation tactic, and no threat, will change that.



The university had given students a midday deadline to move their camp or risk disciplinary action and arrest, stating that the camp was in a fire evacuation zone creating an “unacceptable risk” to staff and students.


Video below is from yesterday’s demonstrations:

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Foreign minister Penny Wong has released an official statement on Rafah.


Wong’s official X account posted that the events of the last 24 hours “underscore that we must see a humanitarian ceasefire now so that civilians can be protected”.



Israel’s strikes have had horrific and unacceptable consequences. Australia has been been very clear that Israel must not proceed with its operation in Rafah – where more than half of Gaza’s 2.3 million people are sheltering.


Hamas must release all hostages, stop using Palestinian civilians as human shields and lay down its arms.



Statement following Israel's strikes on Rafah.

&mdash; Senator Penny Wong (@SenatorWong) May 27, 2024

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Murray Watt, the minister for emergency management, has told ABC radio that a team of technical experts will be flying to Papua New Guinea to help after the landslide, hopefully as early as this afternoon.



Their role will be particularly helping perform geotechnical surveillance to establish the level of the landslip, the instability of the land, they’re obviously doing some work around identifying where bodies are, that kind of thing.


It’s pretty grim and grisly work, but work that has to be done.


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Thank you very much to Martin for starting us off so early and bringing us all up to date.


You’ve got Amy Remeikis with you for most of day now and I’ll take you through all the news of the House of Representatives sitting day, as well as estimates.


That’s right – it’s budget estimates time in the senate, which means a lot of eyebrow raising, statements posed as questions, questions posed as answers and hopefully, a bit of transparency where it is needed.


We’ll also continue to follow everything which is happening across politics in general.


So grab your coffee (number two over here) and get comfortable – ready?


Let’s jump in.

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The federal government is convening an expert panel into violence against women, which will recommend new approaches to preventing gender-based violence.


Journalist Jess Hill and author Anne Summers have been named on the panel, alongside academics, advocates and other experts. The Panel will be co-convened by Australia’s domestic family and sexual violence commissioner, Micaela Cronin, the executive director of the commonwealth office for women, Padma Raman, and the secretary of the Department of Social Services, Ray Griggs.

\n Prime minister Anthony Albanese said governments “need to act, but we also recognise that this is an issue for the whole of society”. He said in a statement:



Women should not be responsible for ending violence against women. This rapid review will bring together experts and provide practical advice to Government to help us end the scourge of domestic violence.



Minister for women Katy Gallagher said the review, which is to provide a report by year’s end, would give advice to the federal government and national cabinet.


The review, meeting for the first time today, will consider new approaches to violence prevention across different groups of society, as well as risk factors and pathways toward violence.


It will also consider stronger accountability and consequences for perpetrators.


Social services minister Amanda Rishworth said “we must have a considered focus on perpetrator intervention and prevention activities”.

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The Australian government will give $2.5m in humanitarian assistance to help Papua New Guinea respond to the Enga province landslide, which has claimed the lives of at least 670.


In an announcement last night, the Albanese government said emergency relief supplies, such as shelter, hygiene kits and specific support for women and children would be provided.


Australia would also send technical experts to offer incident management assistance, support geohazard assessments and to help with early recovery efforts.


Yesterday, Papua New Guinea’s national disaster centre asked the United Nations for international assistance, reportedly saying the landslide in the country’s remote north could have buried more than 2,000 people.


The deputy prime minister, Richard Marles, said Australians will be thinking of PNG at this very difficult time. He said:



As a close neighbour and friend, we will be doing all we can to provide support. Australia’s defence force is working closely with the PNG Defence Force to assist with the response. This work is yet another demonstration of the close partnership between our nations and militaries.



Here’s our latest report on the disaster:

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Good morning and welcome to the live blog. My name is Martin Farrer and I’ll be bringing you the best of the overnight stories before Amy Remeikis takes over in a bit.


The Albanese government is assembling an expert panel to examine the rise in violence against women and will recommend new approaches to try to curb the problem. There have been a spate of high-profile incidents this year, most recently last week’s double murder in Perth of Jennifer Petelczyc and her daughter Gretl. We have more details coming up, plus a feature and podcast by Full Story presenter Nour Haydar on a new women’s shelter in Parramatta in western Sydney.


As the federal parliament returns for two weeks, our environment editor Adam Morton bemoans the lack of clear policies to tackle the climate crisis and issues an impassioned plea for a change. On the one hand the government appears confused and wedged by the gas industry – especially in Western Australia where Labor is in power and can’t turn against such a powerful lobby. And on the other hand, Coalition hasn’t even got a policy.


Australia will send technical experts and $2.5m in initial aid to Papua New Guinea as the death toll continues to rise after a catastrophic landslide that destroyed a village. PNG’s disaster centre said more than 2,000 people had been buried alive by Friday’s landslide in remote Enga province. Under the Australian aid package experts will provide incident management assistance, support geo-hazard assessments and help early recovery efforts, with the Australian defence force also assisting. More coming up.

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Key events

Filters BETA

Greens to move motion tomorrow for recognition of Palestinian statehood

Daniel Hurst

It may well be one of the shortest motions the Greens have ever proposed, but Adam Bandt has given notice of this plan to put Palestinian statehood to a vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow.

He will move that “This House recognise the State of Palestine”.

The Greens argue that these seven words would acknowledge the House of Representatives’ stance on the matter. The party said in a statement:

No further or more complicated process is required for Australia to join 143 other nations in recognition.

Bandt, the leader of the Greens, urged Labor to make good on “an election promise to support Palestinian statehood”.

(Quick analysis: The party platform certainly called on Labor in government “to recognise Palestine as a state” and said this should be “an important priority” – but it did give cabinet ministers a level of flexibility because it did not set an actual deadline for that step to be taken.)

Bandt said the Labor government should go beyond “hand-wringing statements” and take meaningful steps:

Recognition alone won’t stop the invasion or end the occupation, but it will be a big step towards ensuring that Palestinians have the same rights as Israelis to live in peace and security with full rights under international law.

A government spokesperson said earlier today that Bandt’s attempt amounted to “a procedural motion” that would result in “not dealing with the parliament’s agenda”.


Updated at 03.32 EDT

WA police commissioner asked whether force has strong enough powers to prevent domestic and family violence

Blanch has been asked a number of questions about the interactions Ariel Bombara says her family had with the police relating to her father and her father’s guns. Blanch hasn’t answered many of these questions, referring instead back to the investigation that they are conducting into what happened.

Asked whether the force has adequate powers to effectively and proactively police domestic and family violence, Blanch said:

I want to talk specifically about firearms in this instance. I have been talking to governments, certainly talking to the minister of police, about how we may be able to tighten up the seizure of firearms where, at the moment, there seems to be a larger part of discretion or instructions from the state administrative tribunal about when or when it is not appropriate to seize firearms. We have taken many cases to the state administrative tribunal that we have lost and have had to hand back those firearms.


Updated at 03.25 EDT

Blanch continues:

I know what Ariel has said in her statement. [And I have asked the] investigation to determine exactly what was said and what was asked for. I think that’s appropriate. Again, I don’t want to add to her grief but I think it’s appropriate that we actually get the correct details that we have recorded and that we have probably recorded on body-worn video.


Updated at 03.16 EDT

WA police to investigate reports made about Mark Bombara before fatal shootings

We’re hearing now from the Western Australian police commissioner, Col Blanch, now about the shootings in Perth on Friday.

Ariel Bombara, daughter of gunman Mark James Bombara, spoke earlier today, saying she had warned police about her father’s guns on three separate occasions, in an attempt to protect her mother, before the shootings last Friday.

Ariel Bombara said she raised concerns of a real threat to the family’s lives with the police, and that the family were “ignored by five male officers on three different occasions” that they reported her father’s guns.

Blanch says he has asked that the police conduct an investigation into the three interactions with police:

Officers in that investigation will determine what was done what was said.


Updated at 03.15 EDT

Sarah Basford Canales

DPS secretary grilled on declaration of conflict of interest with former deputy

The head of the Department of Parliamentary Services, Rob Stefanic, was peppered with questions today in Senate estimates about a conflict of interest he declared with his former deputy secretary, Cate Saunders.

Earlier today, senators raised a report by the Australian in early May alleging Stefanic and Saunders had been in a romantic relationship while they worked together.

While he initially declined to answer whether he was in a romantic relationship with Saunders while he was her boss when asked by One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts, he eventually said “no” when pressed again.

But the simple response didn’t quite clarify the situation, given Stefanic later admitted to formally declaring a conflict of interest in regards to Saunders with the then APS commissioner, Peter Woolcott, in August 2022.

Stefanic said he did so because of “rumours” and “gossip” swirling within the building about his relationship with his deputy. Saunders was later seconded to Services Australia in April 2023, and took an incentive payment to retire in October 2023.

In the afternoon, the Liberal senator Jane Hume returned to the subject to get further clarity on what prompted Stefanic to declare the conflict if there was no romantic relationship to declare.

Stefanic responded:

I thought it was necessary given that I anticipated that that gossip and rumour would at some point come out in this forum. And I felt it was important procedurally that – it was probably time for me to seek some advice.

Stefanic added there were “perceptions of a close relationship” and that rumour “morphs into fact in people’s eyes”.

Hume asked:

So you were declaring that others thought that there was a relationship, but there wasn’t one?

Stefanic responded:

What there was is a close friendship.


Updated at 03.05 EDT

Penny Wong to Israel: ‘This cannot continue’

Daniel Hurst

The foreign minister, Penny Wong, has condemned the “death and destruction” in Rafah as “horrific” and says her message to the Israeli government is: “This cannot continue.”

Wong is representing the government at a Senate estimates hearing this afternoon focused on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

In an opening statement, Wong alludes to the incident in which an Israeli airstrike caused a huge blaze at a tented area for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, southern Gaza, with medics putting the death toll at 45 people.

Wong said:

You may recall that the prime minister and I have both said, in relation to Rafah, that our message to the Netanyahu government [is]: do not go down this path.

The international community has been as one on this.

What we have seen in the past 24 hours reinforces why we and the international community issued this warning.

The death and destruction in Rafah is horrific. This human suffering is unacceptable.

We reiterate to the government of Israel: this cannot continue.

We must see an immediate humanitarian ceasefire so civilians can be protected and Australia continues to support the work of the United States, Qatar and Egypt to that end.

We continue to call for the release of all hostages by Hamas and for Israel to allow aid to flow at scale, as directed by the international court of justice.


Updated at 02.48 EDT

Amy Remeikis

Thank you very much to everyone who followed along with me today – I will hand you over to Stephanie Convery who will take you through the evening.

Politics Live will be back early tomorrow morning – until then, take care of you.


Updated at 02.36 EDT

Caitlin Cassidy

Rights advocates urge ANU vice-chancellor not to have police intervene in pro-Palestine protest camp

The Australian Democracy Network has contacted ANU’s vice-chancellor urging her not to pursue police intervention in the ongoing pro-Palestine encampment and calling for her to work with students to allow the protest to continue.

The letter, penned by protest rights campaigner Anastasia Radievska, warned Genevieve Bell to only use police as a “last resort” where “criminal offences” were involved.

The protection of the right of peaceful assembly, under international human rights law and standards, extends to assemblies even on private property and therefore applies to protests on university campuses.

On Tuesday, students relocated their encampment after warnings from management that their location posed health and safety risks to the university community, including the risk of AFP intervention.

It comes as the Coalition government has vowed to use provisions of the Migration Act to cancel the visas of any student protesters found to be involved in “spreading antisemitism or supporting terrorism” if it comes into office.

In a joint statement, the Coalition said the ministers for home affairs and immigration had “significant powers” to cancel visas of any person who “show contempt or disregard for the law or human rights, including terrorist activities and political extremism, and for vilifying a segment of the Australian community or inciting discord”.


Updated at 02.41 EDT

Labor MP Josh Wilson says ‘proper processes’ should be used to decide whether something is genocide

Asked if he believes it is a genocide, Josh Wilson says:

Those are judgments that ought to be made through proper processes and I’m not sure that having people jump to certain kinds of terminology really assess or deal with the substance of the issue, which is unconscionable suffering and violence that is being experienced by civilians in Gaza [that] must stop, and Australia is and should be advocating for that at every turn.

There is an issue I think in how we respond to a community. We don’t want to see the conversation itself – which is an important part of our democratic process, but – we don’t want to see the terms of the conversation become a point of conflict where people are being pushed or judged or criticised because they are prepared to use a certain word or not prepared to use a certain word. In my view, that doesn’t add to the effort.


Updated at 02.33 EDT

Josh Wilson says:

… When you are approaching 40,000 civilian deaths, many of whom are women and children, it goes to that question about the legitimacy of violence that is being inflicted in that way and the Australian government has been principled, consistent, persistent and resolute in calling for a ceasefire, in saying about military action in Rafah that it would be unjustifiable, precisely because it is likely to have these kinds of consequences.

When you think that we have seen the wholesale destruction of Gaza, a relatively small area of land, and civilians forced and encouraged to go into a place that they understood was a place of refuge and they are on the receiving end of an additional bombardment, it [has] predictable results.

The Australian government and the minister for foreign affairs will continue to take that position that Australia should take, which is the call to an end of the violence, advocate and vote for a ceasefire at the UN, when we have the opportunity to do that.


Updated at 02.30 EDT

Israel’s actions in Rafah ‘cannot be described as self-defence’: Labor MP

Labor Fremantle MP, Josh Wilson, is speaking to the ABC and was asked about the Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that the assault on the Rafah refugee tent camp which killed at least 45 civilians, mostly women and children, was a “tragic mistake”.

Wilson says:

It is not for me to necessarily judge what the Israeli prime minister has said, but it is a terrible, awful, horrific outcome and it proves, really, what lots of people have been saying and what the Australian government has been saying about military action in Rafah.

The minister for foreign affairs said some time ago that that kind of action was unjustifiable and would have potentially catastrophic consequences. We made similar statements in partnership with like-minded countries, New Zealand and Canada and the terrible events of the night before last proves that. As I said before, we need this violence to stop, what is being inflicted on Gaza is unconscionable. It has been indiscriminate and disproportionate. It cannot be described as self-defence. It has to stop.


Updated at 02.28 EDT

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