When Corinne sees an unfamiliar number on her scales, her heart drops — could her husband Martin be cheating? She decides to shadow Martin, and what she discovers makes her take a bold step. “It’s time,” Corinne says, deciding to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget.


Like every other morning, Corinne decided to take her weight but was puzzled by an unexpected reading on their electronic scales. It showed a weight that didn’t belong to her or her husband.

Her fingers trembled as she scrolled through the app on her phone that was synced to the scales. She had meticulously programmed it for her workout and weight loss regimen, leaving no room for such an anomaly.

With her suspicions growing, she confronted Martin, who was deep in his guitar practice for an upcoming concert.

“Martin, can we talk?” she said, approaching him. “The scales—it’s showing someone else’s weight. How?”

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Martin put his guitar aside and sighed. “Corin, these scales can be wrong sometimes. It’s probably just a glitch. You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”

But Corinne couldn’t shake off her doubts. Despite Martin’s reassurances, she decided to act on her suspicions. “Alright, then. Well, I also wanted to let you know that I’m going to visit Mom today. She needs help.”

“Of course, love. Is everything okay with her?” Martin asked.

“Just the usual stuff, nothing serious. But I might be late tonight. She wants to have some mother-daughter time.”

Martin gave her a hug, but his embrace felt different to Corinne this time. “Take your time with your mom. These moments are precious. Alright? I love you.”

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“Yeah, me too.”

As Corinne left, Martin’s parting words, “Be safe, and call me if you need anything,” echoed in her mind, leaving her conflicted about the steps she was about to take.

“This is silly,” Corinne said quietly, looking nervously at her building’s door. She hadn’t told Martin the truth. Instead of going to her mom’s, she was secretly watching him from another building, worried he might be hiding something. The thought alone unsettled her deeply.

After a while, Corinne needed to use the bathroom, but she didn’t want to leave her secret spot. She was surprised when Sue, an old friend from Martin’s school days, showed up and entered her and Martin’s building. The timing felt too intentional – what was Sue doing there at a time when Corinne wasn’t home?

“I have to see this through,” Corinne decided, feeling a storm of emotions inside her. She thought about her happy days with Martin, which seemed lost now because of his obsession with music. “I miss us,” she whispered into the emptiness.

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Finally, unable to wait any longer, Corinne headed home, bracing herself for what she might discover. As she entered, the soft strumming of a guitar greeted her. “Martin,” she announced, finding him with a guitar in his embrace.

“Corin, there’s something I need to tell you,” Martin started nervously. But before he could explain things, Sue emerged from the bathroom in just a towel, igniting Corinne’s fury.

“What is she doing here like this?” Corinne couldn’t hide her shock and anger.

“It’s not what it looks like, Corin,” Sue protested, but Corinne was beyond listening. The confrontation escalated quickly, with the two women hurling shampoo, toothpaste, shower gel, and anything else within their reach at each other.

“You’re a traitor, Sue! I trusted you!” Corinne cried out, heartbroken and enraged.

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“Please, listen to me! It was an emergency! My building didn’t have water!” Sue tried to explain, but the chaos of the moment drowned out her words.

“You could have gone anywhere, but you chose to come here!” Corinne accused her.

“And you choose to believe the worst!” Sue snapped, unable to compose herself any longer. Things got only worse as neither of the two would stop yelling or throwing stuff at each other.

“Corin, stop! Please. This isn’t you!” Martin said, trying to calm her down. “We can sort it out, okay?”

“Sort this out? Like you sorted us?” Losing her patience, she slapped Martin hard. “Get out!” she then yelled, kicking Sue out of the apartment in just a towel.

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The aftermath revealed a chaotic scene, with the bathroom bearing the physical marks of their conflict. Corinne felt awful; part of her was angry, part of her really sad, thinking, “Is this what we’ve become?” But she didn’t get an answer to her question. Martin had walked away to a different room, and she was all alone.

But why should I suffer? Did I cheat on Martin? No! He’s a cheater, so he should bear the consequences of his actions.

Fuming, Corinne slid the doors of Martin’s wardrobe open. “Come on, there has to be something,” she muttered, looking for anything — a receipt, a note, something that could serve as a weapon in her quest for revenge on her ‘cheating’ husband.

But as she continued her search, her hands encountered nothing but the mundane items of Martin’s daily life.

Then, her fingers brushed against a small, rectangular object. Pulling it out, she discovered it was a business card for the countryside farm they used to visit together for groceries on weekends.

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A sinister plan began to form in Corinne’s mind.

“If I can’t find evidence to ruin him, I’ll use our past against him. It’s time,” she whispered to herself. Her plan would begin at the farm. She imagined the headlines, the whispers of scandal, and the looks of pity and disdain that would be directed at Martin if her plan was a success. The thought brought her bitter satisfaction.

Corinne parked her car at the farm in the countryside. This place used to make her happy, but now she was here for revenge. She went up to the farm owner and asked for a large quantity of fertilizer and sawdust.

She said she needed them for a big project in the city. But really, she wanted to mess up her husband Martin’s concert because he had hurt her. “I also need a few hands to help me transport the stuff to the city.”

“Sounds like a big job,” the farm owner replied, looking interested.

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Corinne finally told the workers what she wanted to do, but she didn’t tell them about her husband cheating on her. The workers were surprised at first, but then they understood why she wanted to do it.

“It might sound crazy, but you don’t know what he did to me,” Corinne said.

“Do you really think messing up his concert will make things right?” one of the workers named Jenny asked.

Corinne nodded. “I want him to feel just a little bit of my pain.”

The workers agreed to help as long as no one got hurt. When they were loading the truck, Corinne felt a bit better for a moment, but she was also worried about what she was going to do.

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At the concert, as Martin’s performance began, Corinne executed her plan. Fertilizer and sawdust rained down instead of confetti, turning the musical event into chaos.

“Is this part of the show? It stinks!” an audience member shouted as confusion and frustration filled the hall.

Hidden in the shadows, Corinne watched, a sly smile on her face. “This is what you deserve, Martin,” she whispered, her heart heavy yet satisfied with her revenge.

Security personnel, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, quickly sprang into action, locking down the venue in an attempt to control the chaos.

In the midst of the turmoil, Sue made her way onto the stage. Seizing Martin’s microphone with a sense of urgency, she addressed the bewildered crowd.

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“I know who’s behind this,” she declared. “This woman,” she continued, holding up a diamond ring that sparkled even under the dim stage lights, “she dropped this ring. She wanted to disrupt this beautiful night.”

The crowd fell silent, the tension palpable as all eyes turned to the ring in Sue’s hand.

Before the shock could fully settle, one of Corinne’s hired workers, emboldened by the chaos, shouted from the back of the hall, “That’s my ring! She promised it to me for organizing this…fertilizer show.”

Martin’s hand trembled slightly as he took the microphone from Sue. The chaos of the concert hall seemed to pause momentarily, the audience’s focus narrowing to the drama unfolding on stage.

“I can’t believe this,” Martin’s voice broke as he recognized the ring. It was Corinne’s engagement ring.

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Martin turned to face his band. “I’m sorry,” he addressed them and then the crowd, his voice filled with sadness. “Tonight was supposed to be about music, about celebration. But it’s turned into…” he trailed off, struggling to find the right words.

Corinne had envisioned this moment countless times and felt elated. But as the security personnel began herding the audience out, their expressions ranging from confusion to outrage, Corinne’s sense of triumph wilted. She had wanted Martin to feel a fraction of her pain, to understand the depth of her hurt.

But seeing how her actions affected not just the band but also the fans made her feel really guilty.

Later, at the police station, Corinne faced the consequences of her actions. “I wanted him to feel my pain,” she confessed to an officer regretfully.

Martin, entering the room, confronted her. “Corin, I’ve never cheated on you! Look at the damage. Was it worth it?”

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“No, it made everything worse. I’m sorry,” she whispered in tears.

“What you’ve done will have serious repercussions, Ms. Corin,” the officer advised her.

“Goodbye, Corin. I hope you find peace!” Martin said and walked away.

Corinne realized her quest for justice only led to regret and loss. She lost her husband forever — a man who cared for her and had never been unfaithful to her.

Sometimes, we let our suspicions cloud our judgment, and that’s precisely what happened to Corinne. Because she always suspected her husband was being unfaithful to her, she could never see his love and loyalty.

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Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends.

If you enjoyed reading this story, you might like also this one: Margaret’s marriage is in danger — she is shocked to discover that her husband has two cell phones. Desperate to save her marriage and secure a whole family for her beloved daughters, she tries to fight for it. But she has yet to realize what’s best for her children and herself.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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