A woman who went on to complete a marathon just six months after having an operation to remove a tumour has told how changing her mindset got her through.

Jan Turner, 57, completed a marathon in Rother Valley Country Park, near Rotherham, after battling addiction, mental health struggles and cancer.

“I was drinking Guinness like it was going out of fashion. It started out with one can a day and then turned into four, and then five. I piled weight on and gained over two stone,” she explained.

Read more: Sheffield man runs 200 miles in four days for brave boy battling leukaemia

Jan, who works as a self-employed cleaner, explained she had also been involved in two toxic marriages, which left her with low self esteem. She was on Facebook in the pub one night, when she discovered Lee Freeman, a life coach based in Sheffield .

Jan Turner underwent an 11 hour long operation to remove the cancerous tumour on her bile duct
(Image: Jan Turner)

She initially sought help from Lee, 43, after struggling with her mental health and addiction. But shortly after the two started working together, her life was turned upside down when Jan was diagnosed with cancer in April 2023.

Having already put in the work to start changing her mindset, she wasn’t going to let it be another setback.

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“I fell to pieces, but Lee helped me to make a plan on how to deal with it, get through and look on the bright side as much as possible and be grateful every day for the fact that I could wake up,” she said.

“I became as physically and mentally strong as I could – which helped me to pass the pre-op to be fit enough to have the operation.”

Lee added: “It was a huge bomb when she called in April and told me that she had cancer. I never let any doubt come into her mind that this was going to be terminal, or that she wasn’t going to wake up from the operation. I kept reminding her that she would keep becoming stronger.

Jan says reaching out to Lee for help is “the best thing she ever did”
(Image: Jan Turner)

“Once she’d handled cancer, the operation and ICU, I knew that she would be able to handle anything in life with ease.”

On May 30 last year, Jan underwent an 11-hour-long operation to have the tumour removed from her bile duct. As a result, 65 per cent of her liver was removed.

“By that time, I’d been working with Lee for five months and I was mentally bulletproof. Cancer wasn’t going to beat me,” she said.

In the aftermath of her operation, Jan, who lives in Devon, spent three days in intensive care – something which she described as a “nightmare”. She spent 13 days after that unable to eat and says she spent her time in hospital focusing on her mindset and trying to remain “as positive and strong as possible”.

It was during her time in hospital that she set her sights on completing a marathon.

“I wanted to be able to prove to myself that I could do it,” she said. “Lying in a hospital bed for 16 days made me realise just how much you waste your day by not achieving anything.”

In November 2023 and just over six months after the operation to remove the tumour, Jan walked a marathon around Rother Valley Country Park, near Rotherham, in South Yorkshire. She was unable to run due to the pain it would cause at the operation site, but had trained to walk long distances with a support belt around her stomach and completed the 26.2 mile walk within six and a half hours.

She said: “It was a challenge. I never would have thought I would be able to do it but with Lee’s help I completely changed my mindset. Having had cancer, your whole life attitude changes. It became ‘why not now?’ instead of ‘oh dear, what if?’

“I’m still a work in progress but I’ve come out the other side. I dread to think where I would be if I hadn’t reached out to Lee.”

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Alongside the marathon, Jan has also taken on a series of other physical challenges since overcoming cancer which include cold water swimming and abseiling. At the start of this year, she tackled an ultramarathon at Rother Valley Park alongside Lee.

“After doing 26 miles, I was damn sure that I could do 30,” she said. “I was elated when I crossed the finish line – I never thought I would be able to do anything like that, especially because the operation site was so painful. The drive home was more of a testing event.”

Lee added: “Seeing her complete the marathons was the most magical thing in the world. She always had it in her – I just helped empower her to realise that.”

Jan and her Rottweiler Hooch
(Image: Jan Turner)

Jan had made the 700-mile round trip from north Devon to complete both of the marathon events in South Yorkshire – something which she does at least once a month in order to attend the Unbreakable events which Lee organises.

“It’s worth every mile, to spend time with like minded people. It’s so uplifting,” Jan said. “I look at the end result of why I’m going up there, rather than how I’m getting there. I look forward to it so much.”

Jan explained that Lee – who is no stranger to fundraising events himself after running 200 miles in under 80 hours for a three-year-old boy battling leukaemia – has also inspired her to help others more. She has since raised over £1,500 for charity to help veterans who are suffering from PTSD.

“She’s so positive and so focused now,” Lee said. “She does so much to help other people – sometimes I think she needs to stop and put herself first. She’s willing to do absolutely anything in the world to help anyone.”

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Jan is also retraining to become a dog behaviourist and reactive dog trainer. She has always rescued Rottweiler’s and has her own, Hooch, but is now looking to open her own kennels where the dogs will be rehomed to veterans, or people suffering from mental health problems.

She added: “It will help the dogs and other people as well – it’s something that I always wanted to do but I would never have had the confidence without Lee’s help.”

Jan has also quit drinking and “all of the habits that were holding her back,” Lee explained. “It’s even more magical that she’s managed to transform her life in this way at her age. It’s a lot harder to do it at 57 than it is at 27 or 37.”

Jan added: “I look forward to seeing the rest of my journey in life unfold with excitement now, rather than trepidation and worry.”

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