My controlling mother-in-law kicked me and my newborn out of her house just because she didn’t want us in her son’s life. Years later, I found her digging through a trash can. What had happened?


My husband Jonathan and I were married for three years when we welcomed our son, Timothy. We lived in Austin, Texas, with Jonathan’s mother, Mrs. Norris, who wasn’t the worst by all accounts but wasn’t the best either.

Mrs. Norris’s problem was she wanted total control over everything, especially Jonathan’s life. He was a “mama’s boy” and never went against her, so Mrs. Norris had nothing to worry about. At least, not initially.

But things started changing when I entered Jonathan’s life.

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He began spending more time with me, which made Mrs. Norris feel like I was pulling him away from her. I got the impression that she despised me and advised Jonathan that we move out, but he dismissed my concerns.


“Oh darling, don’t worry about it, you know how Mom can be. She might come off a bit strong, but deep down, she’s got a soft spot. She cares about you just like she cares about me.”

I knew that wasn’t the case, and my worst fears proved true one day.

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“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE WITH THAT BABY!” Mrs. Norris screamed at me when Jonathan and I returned from the hospital with our newborn son. She hadn’t bothered to visit me during the delivery, clearly showing her dislike for me.

“Mrs. Norris, what’s wrong?” I asked, totally confused. Despite knowing she wasn’t fond of me, it was shocking she wanted us out. After all, we just brought her grandchild home.


“What’s wrong?” she shot back. “That child isn’t my son’s! He doesn’t look anything like him!” she falsely accused, her voice filled with rage.

“Mrs. Norris!” I couldn’t hold back my tears. “How can you say such a thing? He’s your grandson!” I turned to my husband, seeking support. “Jonathan, why aren’t you saying anything? You know he’s—”

But before I could finish, Mrs. Norris cut me off. “Enough with your fake tears! You’ve already ruined his life. Take your things and leave!” she demanded, pulling Jonathan to her side.

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I looked at Jonathan, hoping for some reassurance, but he said nothing. He just stood next to his mom, his gaze lowered, avoiding my eyes.


I was stunned that Jonathan didn’t stand up to his mom, even though it risked losing his own son. I knew this was probably the lowest point in my life, but I also felt it might be a good thing to get away from such negativity. So, I packed up and moved back in with my parents.

Over the years, I brought up Timothy by myself, making sure he had everything he needed. In that time, I managed to heal from my painful marriage to Jonathan and finally filed for divorce, starting a new chapter as a single mom.

Then, a few years post-divorce, life took a turn for the better. I met Edward at Timothy’s school. He was a widower with a daughter named Caroline, and there was just something about him. We hit it off and eventually got married.

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With Edward, I found a kind of happiness I hadn’t known was possible. The dark days with Jonathan felt like a distant memory until one unexpected incident brought it all back.

Several years later…

After I dropped Caroline and Timothy at school, I was on my way to work when I spotted an elderly woman rummaging through a trash can for food.

My heart sank as I watched her. “How desperate must she be to end up like this?” I thought to myself.

Feeling compelled to help, I reached for my purse to grab some cash and stepped out of my car. As I walked closer, a detail about her tattered coat caught my eye, and I froze mid-step, causing a car behind me to honk impatiently. When the woman turned to look at me, I was stunned to recognize her.

“Oh my God, Mrs. Norris?” I exclaimed, seeing my mother-in-law in such a dire state.

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Driven by a mix of shock and concern, I rushed towards her. “Mrs. Norris, wha-what are you doing here?”

Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at me. “Abbie? I’m so sorry for everything,” she sobbed. “I’m so hungry… It’s been days since I’ve had a proper meal.” Her voice was weak, her face etched with lines of hardship and sorrow.

Despite our rocky past, seeing Mrs. Norris so vulnerable and defeated stirred a deep sense of compassion in me. I couldn’t just walk away from someone in need, no matter our history.

So, I took a day off and drove her to a nearby restaurant, my mind swirling with emotions. It was hard to reconcile the domineering woman I once knew with the frail figure beside me. But at that moment, all I saw was a human being in distress, and I knew I had to help.

As I drove, my mind was plagued with questions. Where was Jonathan? Why was Mrs. Norris rummaging through a trash can? What had happened?

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As Mrs. Norris eagerly devoured the simple meal of soup and sandwich we had ordered, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness for her. The food barely touched the table before she began eating.

Once she had finished, I cautiously broached the subject weighing on my mind. “Mrs. Norris, how did you end up in this situation? And where’s Jonathan?”

With a heavy sigh and tears brimming in her eyes, she opened up. “I’ve paid a high price for my actions, sweetheart,” she lamented. “I’ve lost everything. And Jonathan… he’s not with me anymore. He left this world, and I’ve been lost without him…”

Her tears flowed freely as she recounted the tragic day Jonathan was ambushed by thugs on his way home from work. He tried to defend himself but eventually succumbed to the injuries and passed away before he made it to the hospital.

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The loss of her son shattered Mrs. Norris. She confessed to spending endless nights curled up on his bed, holding onto his belongings as if trying to hold onto a part of him. She withdrew from the world, overwhelmed by grief and unable to face life without Jonathan.

Listening to her, I realized I couldn’t fully grasp the depth of her pain. Losing a child is an unimaginable torment, and despite our strained relationship, my heart went out to her. The idea of living in a world devoid of a loved one’s presence was a sorrow I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

“The house—it haunts me,” she admitted. “Every corner reminds me of what I’ve lost… and of the harm I’ve caused you. I’m so sorry, Abbie. Can you ever forgive me?”

I still couldn’t believe the broken woman before me was the formidable Mrs. Norris. While she had wronged me, no one deserved the kind of suffering she had endured.

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“It’s okay, Mrs. Norris,” I reassured her. “I’ve moved past everything that happened between us. I’ve actually found a lot of happiness since then. I have a wonderful husband and two amazing kids.”

Mrs. Norris seemed taken aback. “You got married again?”

I nodded, a warm smile spreading across my face. “Yes, and I couldn’t be happier.”

I noticed a subtle shift in her expression, a fleeting look that hinted at jealousy, maybe even regret. Her eyes briefly met mine before she looked away, seemingly embarrassed by her emotions.

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Despite this, I chose to extend a helping hand. I began to drop by her place now and then, lending support where I could. It felt like the right thing to do.


I also shared everything with Edward, who was nothing but understanding and compassionate. Together, we decided to open our home to Mrs. Norris, inviting her over to ensure she never felt isolated or forgotten. It was our way of moving forward, leaving the painful memories behind and building new, positive ones.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed reading this story, here’s another one | A plus-size woman is rejected by her fiancé’s parents as they want him to marry someone slim and attractive. Soon after, they regret their decision and beg her to marry their son. But it’s too late by then… Full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to



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