In a court case that gripped the nation, it was heard how sick teacher Rebecca Joynes groomed two of her pupils, had sex with them – and went on to have a baby with one of them.

After nine-and-a-half hours of jury deliberations, on Friday Joynes was convicted of four counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts of sexual activity with a child while in a position of trust. The Manchester Evening News reports that Joynes, 30, has been front and centre of a media storm, while at the heart of the court case remain two innocent and vulnerable boys.

Both had crushes on their teacher. Both were lured in, thinking she was ‘nice’ and ‘fit’, making jokey comments about her “big bum.”

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The first – referred to as ‘Boy A’ due to reporting restrictions banning the publication of his identity – was just 15 when he came to Joynes’ attention. During a lesson in which whiteboards were being used, the teenager asked Joynes for her number. As ‘part of a game’, she gave him nine digits. He figured out the last two and rang her phone – while still in class. She simply laughed and ignored it.

That night, he messaged her: “Are you going to ignore me then… I see how it is.” The next morning she replied, before he added her on Snapchat – a social media app which deletes messages after 24 hours – and she accepted.

Emboldened by her attention, the boy told his friends about her. Joynes then began flirting with him. “I don’t like [subject], get too distracted now,” he said. “It better had be from the work,” Joynes messaged.

“Of course Miss, what else would it be,” Boy A replied. “Good [emoji]”, she sent back. The boy had joked with friends he was going to ‘s**g’ his teacher. She would go on to arrange to take him to the Trafford Centre for a shopping trip after he saw she had shared a picture of it on her Snapchat story and asked her: “When are you taking me?”

“Am I coming later or no,?” he asked. “You better had come now you told me you are,” she said. Later, joking about another pupil joining them, the boy said: “I had better be the only one.”

“Obviously it’s only you,” she wrote back. Boy A said: “As it should be. Best student if you ask me.”

(Image: Peter Byrne/PA)

Joynes replied: “That’s debatable.”

She said he could stay overnight at her flat in Salford. He lied to his mum, telling her he was staying with a friend. He rushed home from school, got changed out of his uniform and packed a bag.

“I asked him to message me when he got to his friend’s house,” his mum said. “Here now xx,” he sent her. In reality, Joynes was waiting in her Audi A1 around the corner.

She drove them to a dog day care centre, picking up her pet and driving it to her parents in Wirral. She had arranged for the animal to stay for the night with them.

Joynes had parked further down the road and told Boy A to lie back so he wouldn’t be spotted. He later told officers he didn’t know what was going to happen, adding: “But anyone in my position, when you are my age, my year. If you ever see her – she is good looking.”

She drove them to the Trafford Centre, on the way making a comment about driving. He said to her: “I wouldn’t know because I’m not old enough.”

Joynes laughed, telling him: “Oh shut up”. They browsed before going to Selfridges. He said to her: “Why are we actually here because I’m not going to get anything? I hope you’re looking for yourself.”

She told him: “We came here for you.” In CCTV footage they could be seen looking around, laughing together, before the boy picked up a Gucci belt.

Joynes took one of the boys to the Trafford Centre

“She just said ‘pick something’,” he said. She leant on the cash desk, laughing with the boy as he scrolled on his phone. Using her credit card she paid for the belt, worth £345. I don’t know why you have done that,” he told her. “It’s a lot of money really.”

They went back to her flat in Salford Quays. Boy A said he felt ‘a bit weird’ about being there. Once inside, he sat on the sofa as Joynes sat next to him. They then went into her bedroom and started kissing before having sex. She repeatedly told him ‘no one better find out’.

He said: “At the time, I thought to myself ‘this is just weird’. It was just crazy.” Boy A showered before lying on the bed next to Joynes for a couple of hours.

Later that evening, he suggested ‘doing it again’ and Joynes told him: “I don’t mind, whatever you want.” They then had sex again.

He said they did not use protection and that he told Joynes: “I hope to God, you don’t get pregnant.” Joynes said she ‘[didn’t] even know if she [could]’ due to health issues. The next morning, at around 7.30am, Joynes left the flat, leaving her keys with the boy to lock up. While there, he messaged his friend, who he was supposed to be staying with, and said he didn’t know where he was.

His friend asked to send his location on Snapchat, and he and his mum went to pick Boy A up from the flat. “He was very upset and was crying,” the friend said. “I’m dead meat, my mums going to kill me,” Boy A said.

He’d told his friend’s mum he had been at the house of a girl his own age. Before dropping him at home, the friend’s mum told him: “I’m not going to tell your mum this time, but don’t do anything this stupid again.”

(Image: Peter Byrne/PA Wire)

Boy A went on to tell his friend about the shopping trip and how they had gone back to her apartment and had sex. “That is grooming, mate,” his friend replied. The first morning back at school, rumours had circulated and the police were called. When his mum found out the truth, he said: “Mum, I’m so sorry I lied to you.” He begged her not to go back to the school. But once there, he spoke to police.

Joynes was suspended, but not before deleting the contents of her phone with the help of another boy, before she was arrested. Three months passed, with Joynes returning home to live with her parents in Wirral and working at their café. She frequently returned to Greater Manchester to go to the gym and for walks around Salford Quays.

Meanwhile, she had befriended another boy. “I added her on Snapchat, but she declined me,” 15-year-old boy ‘Boy B’ said. “I just had her on subscription, so you can’t message each other. Then one day, my mum saw her on my phone and was like ‘what the f**k’, so I removed her then added her back. She then added me back. I ended up messaging her on my way into school, and said something along the lines of ‘if the police have your phone, change my name’, and I changed her name on my phone too.”

Things developed, with Joynes and the boy speaking daily. One day, Boy B said he was ‘taking the p***’ and said ‘get your t**s out’. Joynes replied: “Not tonight.”

“As a young lad I thought I was in there and then things progressed and I started asking if I could meet up with her,” he would go on to say.

Manchester Crown Court

They did meet, with Boy B getting off the tram before they went for a walk. After, they went back to her flat. “It was kind of awkward at first, obviously she was probably nervous because she didn’t want to get caught and I was nervous because I was meeting up with someone double my age and I’d known them for a number of years,” he said.

Sitting on the sofa, he asked her: “Am I not ever going to get a kiss?” The trial heard Joynes straddled the teenager while kissing him. She then said she wanted to wait until he was 16 before they had sex. “I had never thought about meeting her, I thought she wouldn’t do it again after she had already done it and been caught,” he said.

Joynes would go on to send him a picture of her bottom on Snapchat. He replied with a ‘love heart eyes’ emoji.

“I thought she liked me, she had sent me pictures of her body so basically I asked if it would progress,” he said.

Just after his 16th birthday, Boy B told his parents he was going to go and watch Manchester United play at Old Trafford with a mate. Instead, he sold his ticket and went to Joynes’ flat. They had sex, the court heard. “I was nervous about it,” the boy said.

The relationship continued, with the teenager making excuses to go to her flat. “Most of the time, we ended up having sex,” he said. He was aware of her bail conditions, with the main being that she was not allowed to be around anyone under 18 without supervision.

He said he found the court file about Boy A and had seen pictures of the CCTV from Selfridges when she bought him the Gucci belt. “She said Boy A was a ‘f***ing liar, he knows he is lying as well’.”

Joynes called Boy A a ‘cocky pr**k’. Things soon turned toxic. He said: “I wanted to end it. She asked for my location on Snapchat and my password. I think she was emotionally abusing me. It was mental warfare for me.” He said he loved Joynes, but said she would blackmail him every time he tried to leave her. They argued daily, with Joynes questioning him about deleting messages from his group chats.

“Towards the end I pretty much went bipolar. It’s such a relief not having to worry about messaging someone or watching my words,” he said quietly. When I was in it, I knew what it was, I knew it was wrong. She is really deceiving, really pretty, really smart, funny. I would say ‘you are a f***ing weirdo’, you’re a n*nce basically, go find someone your own age. Then I would calm down and feel bad and go back. I realise I sacrificed 18 months to be with a paedophile.”

(Image: Peter Byrne/PA Wire)

Towards the end of the relationship, the boy discovered she was pregnant. Joynes did two pregnancy tests in front of him.

“I thought she would be smart and get rid of it,” he said to officers on a video interview played in court, as Joynes wept from the dock.

“I loved her and didn’t want to pressure her to get rid of it. It’s my own fault. We were irresponsible and didn’t use protection and she got pregnant. The child hasn’t asked to be conceived. I just thought ‘what the f**k am i going to do?’.”

During an argument, when Joynes thought he was with another girl, she said: “I swear to God, if I lose this baby, it’s because of you.” She then cried and said: “Why does this always happen to me?”

The night before he spoke to police, Joynes planned a date night to try and make things better between them.

“She put rose petals down, she ordered a Pizza Express. She had notes around the apartment. ‘Here’s your first surprise, for the next one go into the bathroom’. At the end there was a baby grow saying ‘I love my daddy’. She started crying and I started crying,” he said.

Asked how he felt about her, he said: “I don’t know. Obviously I knew it was wrong, she’s got something mentally wrong with her to do that. But obviously she is nice and I think she is a nice person… but she’s not really, is she?”

He admitted lying about the dates on which they first had sex in his first police interview, because he ‘wanted to protect her’. Boy B added: “I now realise I shouldn’t have. I thought if I didn’t tell the truth she might get away with it and I would have to fight for custody of my child.”

His family was rocked by the news once it came to light. The boy’s dad said: “I apologised for him not being able to tell me about what happened and said how much I loved him. I tried to say it was serious and so wrong. He stated that he got it, but it had not been like that and he didn’t feel that it was wrong.”

Now both boys can put a traumatic few years behind them following the conclusion of the trial. Joynes will be sentenced in July.

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