Former President Donald Trump told one of his staunchest acolytes, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, to stand down in her effort to oust Mike Johnson on Wednesday. 

Trump defended Greene but said now is ‘not the time’ for her motion, and said it is ‘his request’ that Republicans vote to table the motion – even though the post was after the vote to table had passed. 

‘I absolutely love Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s got Spirit, she’s got Fight, and I believe she’ll be around, and on our side, for a long time to come,’ he wrote. 

‘With a Majority of One, shortly growing to three or four, we’re not in a position of voting on a Motion to Vacate. At some point, we may very well be, but this is not the time.’ 

Trump went on: ‘If we show DISUNITY, which will be portrayed as CHAOS, it will negatively affect everything!’

He called Mike Johnson a ‘good man who is trying very hard.’

Greene, R-Ga., was left humiliated in Congress on Wednesday as her bid to oust Speaker Mike Johnson spectacularly failed.

Just 10 Republican colleagues joined the GOP firebrand in voting to advance the motion to vacate that would kick the speaker out of office.

It took just 30 minutes for her effort to collapse in scenes reminiscent of the circus that led to the vote to get rid of Kevin McCarthy.

Only 43 House members voted to move Greene’s motion forward. 

A vote to ‘table’ or kill, the motion succeeded 359 to 43.

The typically reserved Johnson let loose after the vote: ‘Hopefully, this is the end of the personality politics and the frivolous character assassination that has defined the 118th Congress.’ 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene made her motion to oust Speaker Mike Johnson privileged on Wednesday evening, prompting a frenzied vote on whether or not to fire him within two legislative days

Final vote count of the motion to ‘table’ or kill, the motion to vacate 

Only thirty-two Democrats voted against the effort to move the motion forward, a spectacular reversal from months ago when all Democrats voted with eight Republicans to kick out McCarthy. 

More Republicans – 11 – voted to oust Johnson than McCarthy – eight – even as the Louisiana Republican had at one time been pitched as the conservative alternative to his California counterpart.

Greene had been met with boos and eye rolls as she called up her motion during votes on Wednesday.  

House Republicans who voted with MTG to advance motion to oust Johnson 

Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.

Eric Burlison, R-Mo.

Eli Crane, R-Ariz.

Warren Davidson, R-Ohio

Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.

Thomas Massie, R-Ky.

Alex Mooney, R-W.Va.

Barry Moore, R-Ala.

Chip Roy, R-Texas

Victoria Spartz, R-Ind. 


Members of the GOP accused her of throwing a ‘tantrum’ and attention-seeking as she brought her motion to vacate to the House floor on Wednesday night.

The Georgia lawmaker has pressed ahead with trying to dethrone Johnson, even though it had virtually no support.

She made her motion to vacate him privileged on Wednesday evening, prompting a frenzied vote on whether or not to fire him that had to occur within two legislative days. 

Knowing Democrats would not support advancing the motion, Johnson took Greene head-on and called the vote immediately.  

The movement came after four plus hours of meetings this week between Greene and Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and the speaker where the rabble-rousing pair laid out a list of demands for Johnson.

‘Speaker Johnson has not lived up to a single one of his self-imposed tenets,’ Greene said. 

Republicans have increasingly grown frustrated with Greene and her efforts to throw the House back into chaos, just like after the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy

‘It’s times like this you need a bar in this place,’ Rep. Dave Joyce, R-Ohio, muttered as he came off the House floor.   

‘You’re not the Republican Party!’ Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., heckled Greene as she gaggled with reporters after the vote. 

Moscow Marjorie has clearly gone off the deep end— maybe the result of a space laser,’ said Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y.

Asked if he thought Greene should be punished, Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., said: ‘One dumpster fire at a time.’ 

On the House floor, Greene railed against the two-part spending bill that funded the government for fiscal year 2024, a bill that reauthorized spy tool FISA without warrants and a foreign aid package that did not include border security.

House members collectively groaned as MTG filed her motion to vacate 

Johnson spearheaded a $95 billion foreign policy bill that passed last month with Democrat support authorizing nearly $61 billion to Ukraine, along with billions to Israel and Taiwan

He was forced to rely on support from Democrats as he presides over a tiny one-vote majority in the House, and it’s challenging to get the unruly GOP conference in line.

‘Excuses like ‘this is just how you have to govern’ and divided government are pathetic, weak and unacceptable. Even with our razor thin Republican majority, we could have at least secured the border,’ Greene said. 

Greene accused Johnson of ‘aiding and abetting Democrats’ to ‘destroy our country,’ as Democrats booed her and Johnson shook hands and smiled at the Republicans who support him. 

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene,left, and Thomas Massie, second from right, have laid out a list of demands for Speaker Mike Johnson – and are now holding off on their movement to oust him

Just one day earlier, Greene and Massie said they would give Johnson some time to respond to their demands. 

Those demands included ‘not another red cent for Ukraine,’ adhering to the so-called ‘Hastert Rule’ which means not bringing legislation to the floor that does not have the support of a majority of Republicans.

And another is to defund Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into former President Donald Trump for ‘inciting’ the January 6 riot and for his alleged mishandling of classified documents – which the Democratic-led Senate and White House would never agree to. 

‘You can’t make things happen instantly. And we all are aware and understanding of that. So now the ball is in his court, and he’s supposed to be reaching out to us, hopefully soon,’ Greene said. 

If Congress can’t pass all 12 spending bills to fund the government in fiscal year 2025 by September 30, Greene and Massie wanted a continuing resolution to punt the deadline through the November elections with an automatic one percent cut.  

He ‘shacked up with Democrats to get FISA without warrants, to get the minibus passed, and to get the funding for Ukraine,’ said Massie. of the speaker ‘It’s time for him to come home now.’ 

Greene, Massie and Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., had all co-sponsored the motion to vacate. 

Democrats gave advance notice that they would vote to table – or kill – the motion, essentially taking air out of the Republican trio’s threat. 

Still, Johnson spent hours with Greene this week, as some Republicans questioned why he would negotiate with his biggest GOP antagonist. 

‘It’s not a negotiation,’ he insisted. ‘Everybody knows I have lengthy discussions, detailed discussions, on a daily basis with members across the conference. 

Greene has increasingly found herself at odds with former President Donald Trump in her crusade against Johnson. Trump has publicly supported the speaker and noted the difficulties of operating under a one-vote majority. 

Recent reports came to light of a phone call where Trump told Greene to back off of the ouster. Greene declined to share details on whether the former president was supportive of her motion. 

‘I have to tell you, I love President Trump. My conversations with him are fantastic. And again, I’m not going to go into details. You want to know why I’m not insecure about that. And I don’t have to go into the details here with you guys,’ she told reporters. 

Reporters swarm MTG and Massie to see if they will try to kick out Speaker Johnson 

Greene, R-Ga., along with Massie, R-Ky., are insisting the speaker commit to no more funding for Ukraine

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